Re: Automotive News

Posted by PackardV8 On 2009/9/25 8:50:37
Quite: :

"Japanese cars of the early 1980s, they were only slightly better than the Japanese cars of the 1970s, which rusted out so quickly and so badly that it made the crap coming out of GM, Ford and Chrysler look good, which is saying a lot."

True. But the japanese auto invasion SUCCEEDED!! The ONLY reason it succeeded was due to the synthesised 'fuel crisis' of 1970's era. Had gas prices remained in the some reasonable range and no shortages then the Japanaeese car market would have had little more success than the EC markets started some 20 years earlier. And to this day, we would still be driving huge Buicks, picups, SUV's and cars of the trend and style of 1955 thru 1975.

On a more general note. With the massive loss of industrial type jobs, all the way from CEO down to floor sweeper, I'm guessing that John Q American will be fortunate to be able to afford so much as a brown paper bag to take a shit in over the next 3-8 years. Let alone a car.

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