Re: Exposed!

Posted by Ozstatman On 2008/2/14 15:39:23

BigKev wrote:
There is a very nice 1/2 page writeup about the in The Packardian , which is the newsletter of the Packard Automobile Club of Australia.

Kudos to Mal for his efforts in both writing this and submitting it to the PACA newsletter....

And kudos to BigKev for his input into the article too, his suggestions were vital to it's final format and the features offers.

So Kev

And here's the article:


I'd like to bring to everyone's attention a Packard website,

There are a number of members of the Packard Automobile Club of Australia who are also members or view the site as guests. Some members who I've met online or in person are Heather Moss, Peter Toet and Barry Smith. I also know a number of members who just log in as guests to the site only

I'd like to offer other members of the Packard Automobile Club of Australia the opportunity to participate in a friendly, entertaining and interesting website which caters to the needs of Packard owners exclusively and best of all it's FREE. Just log on to
and as a member or guest you can access the following "Website Features:

Extensive Scanned Archive of Original Packard Service Manuals, Owners Manuals, Service Letters, Brochures, etc.

User message forums

User Chat Room

Packard Photo Archive

Packard Owners Registry (Roster)

Packard Dealers List

Packard Web Links

Packard Parts Cross-Reference Database"

Many of these features will appeal to members or guests on the site.

However by joining as a Member you will be able to contribute to the site, participate in the forums and the chat room as well as record your Packard/s in the Owner Registry.

The chat room is a fairly new feature and allows instant access to other members, who are in the chat room at that time, or personal chats with particular members if you so choose.

Go on ? Jump onto your PC or Mac, travel the Internet Superhighway just as you'd drive your Packard! You love your Packard, and you'll love!

I highly recommend it ? Mal.

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