Modern AC Compressor in a 6-Volt Car

Posted by JWL On 2010/10/20 15:55:04
I attended the CCCA Grand Classic in Waxahachie, Texas, last weekend. One of the over 30 Full Classics on exhibit was Jim Hollingsworth's 1940 Super Eight 160 Club Sedan. It is an air conditioned Packard with the Babcock & Bishop "Weather Conditioner" system. The original compressor failed and Jim installed a modern one, being careful not to alter the original mounting bracket. He has a 12-volt battery in the trunk of the car to provide power to the compressor clutch. The battery is of the sealed type, so no danger of spilling acid. He says this system has worked out to be quite satisfactory and he only needs to recharge the battery every few days. He preferred this method rather than converting the car to 12-volt. I thought this approach to solving the modern AC system in a 6-volt car most interesting. Just thought I would pass this information on to those who are considering installing AC on their pre-1955 Packards.


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