Re: VIN help! Has to be solved today or tomorrow, please help if you can!
Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2011/2/17 9:15:18
The only absolutely certain way to recover the original VN is to get the door open to see the tag; during the interal 1951 thru 1954 the Briggs number usually (but not always) matched the VN, unlike the period up thru 1950 where they only matched perhaps 25% of the time. The reason for mismatch is related to body delivery and inventory rotation as related to the order the cars were actually finished in production. The VN consisted of a first set of 4 digits which identified the year, chassis and body type (2652 = 1953 Patrician) followed by the sequential production number beginning with 2001; thus the first 1953 Patrician would have been 2652-2001 and the last 2652-9457.
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