HH56 wrote:
Unfortunately, that won't work on a Packard because all the hinge bolts are either inside the jamb on the cowl side or under the panel on the door side. Striker and lock assy is same way--screw heads are on the jamb side.
Since the window trim molding has to unscrew and then lift up and out to remove the panel, the door has to be open. Without that off, the only way to remove the panel is to just cut it because it also has to pull out to clear spring clips and up to clear the arm rest bracket and then out again to have the spring clips clear their holes. With the windlace, doorframe, seat and all in the way, that won't happen without some destruction. The way the upholstery wraps around the panel, I can't think of a way to loosen that enough to access the panel near the latch for an access hole either.
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