Re: Mythbuster #777 Fram Oil Filters

Posted by HH56 On 2011/6/21 18:59:29
It was a nice story and glad for a happy ending. It's a small world because I grew up in Truth or Consequences, (formerly Hot Springs) leaving there for the wide wide world of California in 63. At that time it was a town that started rolling up the sidewalks at 6pm and had them solidly locked by 11 or whenever the movie show let out -- whichever came first. Am glad to hear that by the 80's there was someone still open at night.

During my time there, Dads old 51 Packard which I drove thru HS, a beat up 50 (minus a trunk lid) owned by a lady who worked for the phone company, and a very decent 56 Clipper I fell in lust with and wanted the worst way when it turned up on a used car lot was the extent or our Packard stock. All considered, I guess not too shabby for a town which averaged around 50 in the graduating senior classes.

I don't remember what we used for filters then but undoubtedly whatever was sold cheaply at Western Auto or the Pine Knot gas station dad bought gas & oil from would have been it. Of course, I expect the Packard didn't care and was glad for anything remotely proper because the oil I could afford to put in was generally used or re re refined so an old sock would have been a step up. I have to say the car never let me down so to any of you doubters of Packard quality, borrow a phrase from the Timex slogan.

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