Re: Electolytic Rust Removal
Posted by BH On 2008/3/1 16:40:35
Keegan -
Thanks for illustrating a very interesting process. I wish you had also included a pic of the part fresh out of the tank, before you brushed it clean and wiped it down with WD40.
I've heard of using molasses to passively derust small parts, but the process you've described might be similar to what the RediStrip franchises use to remove rust without damaging the remaining good steel. Best of all the "chemcials" are readily available and seem to be environmentally-friendly.
I'm thinking this process could be adopted to clean the rust out of old fuel tanks, prior to sealing them - if I can find a sealant that modern fuel blends won't attack. (Looks like it may be quite some time before I find someone making an authentic repro of the original fuel tank that suits me.)
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