Re: Electolytic Rust Removal
Posted by Keegan Chaput On 2008/3/3 12:27:44
BH wrote:
Keegan -
Thanks for illustrating a very interesting process. I wish you had also included a pic of the part fresh out of the tank, before you brushed it clean and wiped it down with WD40....I'm thinking this process could be adopted to clean the rust out of old fuel tanks, prior to sealing them
BH- I'll try to show some pics of the next part that I do. As far as the fuel tank is concerned, I've seen some pics online of people filling the tank with the electrolyte and suspending the steel anode in the tank. My guess is that would work just fine as long as you were quick to empty, clean, and seal the tank right after you were done. The cleaning would be the tough part as the electrolyte is quite nasty by the end of the process.
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