Re: I have not failed
Posted by Rusty O\'Toole On 2012/1/23 21:29:50
Normal procedure for producing wood framed bodies went like this. Working from blueprints or drawings the carpenters made all the pieces and fitted them together. When the frame was approved for production the frame was dismantled, all parts varnished and numbered with indelible ink. These parts were used as patterns and stored.
All frames would be identical at least, as close as they could get them. This was for bodies made in batches of 25, 50 or 100 and for mass produced bodies made in the thousands.
Unless yours was a one off the plans or blueprints should be very close to what was there originally.
The original parts were made on power equipment but nothing more sophisticated than what you might have at home in your garage. Table saw, band saw, and router.
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