Posted by dongle On 2012/4/30 20:54:34
I lurk often and chime in little.
I'll go a little farther on the branch and suggest that the faux wires are rare. I did run across a set some time ago, and eventually ended up with 6. After I sold the '56 400 then the '56 Clipper, I ebayed them. I think what may be harder to find are the clips and rubber 'bumpers'. One or two of which I may still have. (maybe courtesy of Joel??).
While I often supposed they were a very similar design to Ford (et al) of that vintage, I never spent time researching it.
I think there may have been some 'seniors' on ebay recently but were not cheap?
I believe (maybe incorrectly) there was a 'junior' or 'senior' version, but again never fully researched it. I think the junior featured a 'dog dish' style centre - but I am way out on the limb now and I hear it creaking from the weight.
BTW if anyone is looking for a chrome trim ring - as shown in the 1956 accessory manual, I have one - NOS still in the box.
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