Re: Am I the only person to be amazed by cars for sale on Facebook?

Posted by patgreen On 2012/6/20 12:00:45
As for libraries it amazes me that such an obsolete resource is even still in existence let alone building/improving new ones. What for?? Bricks and mortar libraries have become a kind of a bridge to nowhere in reverse. So their I'net access is a moot point in view of home 'puters and even the WiFi. I recently tried to donated about 37 books (VERY NICE HARDCOVERS) to library. After the librarians song and dance she only wanted 21 of them. Fine by me. But quite frankly the library WAS a great resource (tho very oppressed) but so were slide rules and buggy whips at one time. Go to one ask for an "unpopular" publication.

In view of the proven reliability of all information on the internet, your librarian should be a great ally in filtering fact from fiction. Doesn't mean they know everything, but most are very good at filtering. In the digital age, they have become sentinels of truth.

As to being pissed when they didn't want the books you were trying to dump on them...they usually know what they need and can best use. I served locally on the library book sale and I can tell you that the books people value the most are 90%+ trash. Of course income from the book sale helps, but even at the end many books that are someone's treasure are unwanted at any price. Profit from the free reality check and move on.

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