Buy or Stay away? - 55 Patrician

Posted by Dan A On 2012/6/21 18:46:04
I've found a 55 Patrician locally where I live, it looks pretty good with most options but does have a couple issues that I can tell. I want to know if I should pursue or stay away.

Current owner bought about 4 years ago but never started it, the previous owner told them that the transmission needed a rebuild and had ordered a kit.

While towing the car up from where he bought it the driveshaft was removed and then placed aside and eventually lost/trashed. From what I can tell this is the only piece missing on the car.
Q: Where would I look for a replacement driveshaft? cost?

At a point a mouse/rat took up residence in the back seat stuffing. The car is littered with packrat trash and droppings, but the wiring looks good.
Q: Anyone have experience trying to clean up this type of mess/smell? Is it possible to get the smell out?

Other than that and a couple flats the car could be back in service fairly easily.


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