Re: 1804-5-7-8 Rear Brake Drums

Posted by JWL On 2020/2/23 13:43:33

Don Shields wrote:
JW, some clever wag drilled out the rivets on my '54 Convertible's drums and it's a mixed bag. Although it's easier to access the rear brake shoes it's impossible to precisely align the drums to the hubs concentrically. This is because the bolt holes in the drums are larger in diameter than the lug bolts. This leaves the drums slightly eccentric with respect to the hubs and the brake shoes have to be adjusted to not contact the drums as they revolve. Even with the shoes adjusted to compensate for the eccentricity a slight pulsation is felt from the rear brakes on light application. All in all I'd rather have the drums secured concentrically to the drums.

Don, thanks for the reply and the photo. Concentric alignment of the drums on the hubs would be a must for proper functioning brakes. Maybe some sleeves in the drum holes would fix the problem. Interesting to see that I am not the only one thinking about this. Now, back to our regular program.

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