Wanted - Battery Cradle for 2302

Posted by Joe On 2023/8/17 20:33:20
Hey all. Working with one of the suppliers on a wrong part that was sent, but in case they don't have an alternative, does anyone have a battery cradle (4.0008) in good condition for a 1950 Super Deluxe Eight (2302)? Part number 377221 was on models 2206-26-33; 2302-06-32-33. Not looking for something that requires alteration, just looking for the right part in solid condition.

For reference, the feet on the right side of the cradle are backwards from what I pulled out of the car and don't line up with their respective screw holes (the whole steering column thing gets in the way, too). Kidding aside, there are four different cradles used on 22nd and 23rd series cars, so the nuance matters here...

Thanks in advance!

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