Re: Ebay Search - junk vendors removed

Posted by Mike On 2010/11/28 14:21:33

fred kanter wrote:
To reply to Cortcomp's wishes
After all they bare paying the same rate the other guys are and they should get the same exposure.

Ever been to Hershey? Do you think the mass sellers would be happy if they were segregated from the mom & pops, or the other way around??

They are NOT paying the same rate...after listing so many items (i believe like 50 or 100 at a time) at the same time, the rest are virtually free. They don't even do the same work as the little guy to list because they buy mass programs to do the work for them. The program keeps listing items that aren't real or they don't even have. Someone shouldn't buy a car cover or seat or whatever and wait 5 days for the seller to refund their money because it's not real, or wait 14 days to get it from some warehouse because they don't have it, or get some generic sheet to put over their car because they don't MAKE a 50 packard custom cover.

It's not the same theory as hershey, at hershey, the vendors actually HAVE the goods...those car covers, etc either DON'T exist or the item is 15 ship days away. Now ebay makes them specify if it's a stocked item or not, but even then most people just lie.

As for the mass sellers happiness, no, they wouldn't like to be in left field. But the mom and pops would like them there, so yes, the other way around would work.

I sell frequently at swap meets, but i won't pay $5 to get into one unless there's an awesome car show there (Hershey/Carlisle) or it's mostly regular guys and small businesses hawking stuff. I can go to a parts store and get waxes and cleaners and cheap tools without paying to get in and walking around and losing a whole weekend day.

Hit the goodguys show in Columbus...i think 10,000 cars this year? Does that compare to Hershey?

One side of the parade grounds is a building with mass vendors. I don't care to go in there. I can look up prices on an entire custom chassis or wiring kit or A/C retrofit kit or crate motors or paint samples anytime. Using the internet, i can see more options than they show there and can compare prices instantly. I don't need to go to a show to see off-the-shelf stuff. I can read reviews about how people REALLY feel about their products.

Back on the other side of the field is the car coral and an indoor swap meet...all mom and pops selling random stuff, books, collectibles, cars, parts cars, etc.

Works great for them, people can see what they want and not what they don't want and they're able to keep people moving better.

Now, am i saying kick all the big guys off of ebay? Of course not. Just give me the OPTION (like a check box or something) to NOT show people mass selling low price low margin goods that really don't apply WITHOUT resorting to constantly updating query strings like we're doing now.

I'm not saying the big guys shouldn't be there, i'm just saying they should list what they really have, and give me the option to opt out of their junk (or my interpretation of what junk is).

Not everyone feels the same way as me, i understand that, but i still feel that those ideas would improve eBay; i understand that others don't agree and that's fine. But i can paint the idea of an ebay world that i like, and that's pretty much it.

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