Topics | Topic poster | Publish time | Replies | Views | Last post time | ||
Body to Frame Bolts | RichK | 2013/7/18 9:25 | 6 | 2359 | 2013/7/19 8:32 by Tim Cole |
12 Fuel Pump | Packardbarry | 2013/7/19 8:03 | 1 | 1259 | 2013/7/19 8:29 by Owen_Dyneto |
overheating 36 120 after 10+ miles | BDC | 2013/7/6 19:14 | 5 | 3196 | 2013/7/18 15:47 by BigKev |
Rear main seal..... | RussBees | 2013/7/15 12:00 | 1 | 1317 | 2013/7/15 12:09 by Owen_Dyneto |
Steering center pin | JohnCobb | 2013/7/12 21:47 | 4 | 2032 | 2013/7/13 22:54 by Owen_Dyneto |
vin number | shawn39 | 2013/7/13 13:54 | 3 | 2053 | 2013/7/13 14:48 by Owen_Dyneto |
CAMSHAFT regrinding... | RussBees | 2013/7/10 10:35 | 5 | 2881 | 2013/7/12 7:44 by Owen_Dyneto |
shop recommendations around Oklahoma City | Alex K | 2013/6/27 16:41 | 2 | 1586 | 2013/7/9 20:55 by BDC |
R-11 speedometer cable/gear | mendocino38 | 2013/7/9 9:30 | 4 | 2634 | 2013/7/9 18:54 by Ozstatman |
1937 packard ID and partout | Dave | 2013/7/9 15:56 | 2 | 1816 | 2013/7/9 17:38 by Don 37 |
40 super 8 oil galley?'s | kevins29truck | 2013/7/7 20:46 | 4 | 2532 | 2013/7/9 12:36 by HH56 |
Don't laugh | jesse | 2013/7/8 22:37 | 2 | 1657 | 2013/7/9 1:10 by Joe Santana |
1102 transmission [1][2] | Roberto Isola | 2013/6/17 19:35 | 12 | 5356 | 2013/7/4 20:15 by Tim Cole |
clutch shaft 315679 | Dave Munger | 2013/7/2 18:57 | 2 | 1333 | 2013/7/3 23:05 by Dave Munger |
1939 120 sedan dimensions | Packard0 | 2013/6/24 13:17 | 5 | 3886 | 2013/7/2 0:48 by Ozstatman |
stuart is considering buying a 1932 light 8 4 door sedan | Ozstatman | 2013/7/1 17:16 | 1 | 1547 | 2013/7/1 18:24 by Craig Hendrickson |
28 526 head gasket promlem | Dell | 2013/6/27 20:17 | 3 | 2221 | 2013/6/30 9:26 by Packardbarry |
Colorful Photos | JWL | 2013/6/29 12:16 | 3 | 2189 | 2013/6/29 15:58 by JWL |
EE3 Power Valve | Packardbarry | 2013/3/23 10:02 | 3 | 2249 | 2013/6/29 8:48 by Packardbarry |
28 526 Runabout Carb Kit | classiclincoln | 2013/6/24 20:28 | 2 | 2159 | 2013/6/27 12:33 by classiclincoln |
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