Topics | Topic poster | Publish time | Replies | Views | Last post time | ||
47 Custom Super Clipper [1][2] | jesse | 2012/11/1 11:31 | 10 | 4739 | 2012/11/3 17:31 by Mark Graber |
Radiator for a 22nd Super-8... | D-train | 2012/10/29 16:19 | 4 | 2009 | 2012/11/2 21:32 by JWL |
removing the stainless steel trim around the window | David Grubbs | 2012/11/1 13:18 | 4 | 1520 | 2012/11/2 19:25 by David Grubbs |
1951 Patrician engine/ trans for sale | Mark Stivers | 2012/11/2 13:24 | 0 | 1015 | 2012/11/2 13:24 by Mark Stivers |
Am I seeing things? | Mark Hill | 2012/11/1 18:28 | 3 | 1148 | 2012/11/1 18:57 by HH56 |
Old gas tank 54 Clipper [1][2][3]...[6] | WILLIS BIRKS | 2012/7/30 20:57 | 52 | 14823 | 2012/11/1 10:52 by BigKev |
1951 Packard History | David Grubbs | 2012/10/30 20:59 | 0 | 942 | 2012/10/30 20:59 by David Grubbs |
Fuel additive for a 53' Clipper [1][2] | Tribyte | 2012/10/27 17:52 | 10 | 4349 | 2012/10/30 14:33 by BigKev |
1948 Custom Eight | jsa03781 | 2012/10/23 20:45 | 5 | 2942 | 2012/10/28 21:43 by jsa03781 |
Dash Switches | JohnVH | 2012/10/28 13:29 | 0 | 984 | 2012/10/28 13:29 by JohnVH |
valve guide failure [1][2] | Dell | 2012/10/18 23:32 | 10 | 3398 | 2012/10/24 21:34 by Dell |
1949 288 crankshaft | Bob | 2012/10/24 3:37 | 0 | 1200 | 2012/10/24 3:37 by Bob |
1940's Packard Taxi | Indywolfman | 2012/10/19 16:31 | 2 | 1830 | 2012/10/23 21:19 by Ozstatman |
Can't remove Hyd. Lifter from 1947 Custom Super Clipper [1][2][3][4] | Wesley Boyer | 2012/4/30 9:31 | 32 | 11666 | 2012/10/23 10:02 by Wesley Boyer |
1949 hearse converted to limo onyoutube... | D-train | 2012/10/5 22:53 | 1 | 1562 | 2012/10/23 0:34 by Ozstatman |
Changing out the Heater Core in the '51 - '54? Packard | Jim L. in OR | 2012/10/18 23:47 | 5 | 2553 | 2012/10/21 16:42 by Robin |
288 stuck valves [1][2] | Robin | 2012/7/16 21:09 | 14 | 8022 | 2012/10/21 15:53 by Robin |
Heater Core Blues | Jim L. in OR | 2012/10/17 19:35 | 8 | 2847 | 2012/10/18 23:03 by Jim L. in OR |
"wrong" generator & regulator [1][2] | Mark Graber | 2012/10/17 19:44 | 10 | 5083 | 2012/10/18 22:43 by Mark Graber |
Door trim removal process | Philly Bob | 2012/10/16 15:20 | 1 | 996 | 2012/10/16 15:47 by HH56 |
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