Topics | Topic poster | Publish time | Replies | Views | Last post time | ||
The single best survivor | Ross | 2011/6/19 20:38 | 9 | 5440 | 2011/6/20 22:20 by Ozstatman |
Window Channel 1948 Packard Touring Sedan | Michael Evans | 2011/6/15 9:40 | 4 | 3405 | 2011/6/20 4:34 by Michael Evans |
Spark plug leak | Brian | 2011/6/19 21:48 | 2 | 2676 | 2011/6/19 22:10 by Owen_Dyneto |
Help Oil Pan [1][2] | Brian | 2011/6/16 17:26 | 14 | 7395 | 2011/6/19 21:51 by Brian |
Driveshaft question | StraightEights&Aces | 2011/5/25 17:12 | 6 | 3382 | 2011/6/17 8:00 by PackardV8 |
48-49 engine painting [1][2] | Packard0 | 2011/6/4 9:40 | 15 | 8628 | 2011/6/16 20:50 by David Grubbs |
Fuel Pump flex line | Bob | 2011/6/16 3:31 | 3 | 3674 | 2011/6/16 17:07 by Randy Berger |
1949 Muffler [1][2] | J.R. Buzzell | 2011/6/12 17:03 | 10 | 6560 | 2011/6/15 20:49 by Al |
51 200 deluxe starter | don | 2011/6/15 17:42 | 2 | 2036 | 2011/6/15 20:17 by Rusty O\'Toole |
Windshield Size | BigKev | 2011/6/15 0:34 | 2 | 2428 | 2011/6/15 10:59 by BigKev |
Extreme 53 Clipper Deluxe | Rich Bishop | 2011/6/14 20:58 | 2 | 2299 | 2011/6/14 23:02 by Ozstatman |
1951 Patrician Ignition pieces | markinroseburg | 2011/6/13 10:56 | 9 | 4555 | 2011/6/13 18:02 by fred kanter |
'Squeaky' Clutch Pedal | steve828 | 2011/6/10 15:04 | 3 | 2940 | 2011/6/11 18:18 by fred kanter |
Foot Dimmer Switch 48 49 50 | Johnny | 2011/6/11 16:34 | 6 | 4134 | 2011/6/11 18:13 by Johnny |
1954 Packard conv. with 327 engine [1][2] | Packard0 | 2011/6/7 0:20 | 10 | 6386 | 2011/6/11 15:06 by John Wallis |
Rear U-Joint Clips | BigKev | 2011/6/6 21:59 | 3 | 3501 | 2011/6/8 22:23 by BigKev |
Shameless Plug: | Paul_K | 2011/6/8 13:08 | 0 | 1918 | 2011/6/8 13:08 by Paul_K |
radio antenna vaccume | jsa03781 | 2011/6/1 8:04 | 6 | 3968 | 2011/6/7 20:32 by HH56 |
Glove Box | jsa03781 | 2011/6/4 17:21 | 9 | 6224 | 2011/6/6 19:42 by jsa03781 |
1954 Packard Clipper Super with Delco-Remy Distributor | steve828 | 2011/6/6 9:26 | 4 | 59877 | 2011/6/6 13:00 by Owen_Dyneto |
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