Topics | Topic poster | Publish time | Replies | Views | Last post time | ||
Unable to Start Engine | steve828 | 2011/6/5 12:10 | 5 | 3978 | 2011/6/5 19:41 by steve828 |
Have you ordered from SMS Auto Fabrics [1][2] | jsa03781 | 2011/6/1 6:37 | 10 | 7510 | 2011/6/5 15:24 by Steve |
Clock 51 [1][2] | Brians51 | 2011/5/5 16:59 | 14 | 7104 | 2011/6/4 21:51 by David Grubbs |
Speedometer Cable Lubrication | steve828 | 2011/5/31 19:19 | 9 | 7710 | 2011/6/4 10:05 by JWL |
Under Hood Insulation | steve828 | 2011/6/2 17:41 | 7 | 4702 | 2011/6/3 6:23 by Joel Ray |
Dash lights [1][2] | jsa03781 | 2011/6/1 6:42 | 13 | 6433 | 2011/6/2 21:13 by HH56 |
1946 Transmission problem | braspack46 | 2011/5/31 14:12 | 3 | 2257 | 2011/6/2 7:10 by braspack46 |
Transmission linkage bushing source? | Mark Buckley | 2011/4/5 15:10 | 4 | 4508 | 2011/6/1 16:51 by Mike |
Distributor Grease Cup [1][2][3] | steve828 | 2011/5/27 19:57 | 29 | 15297 | 2011/5/30 13:46 by Dave Kenney |
lever action shocks | 50packardkid | 2011/5/29 15:53 | 3 | 2730 | 2011/5/29 19:11 by 50packardkid |
tech time on light bulbs | David Grubbs | 2011/5/29 17:06 | 0 | 1475 | 2011/5/29 17:06 by David Grubbs |
Straight 8 oil pans | bobpacks | 2011/5/29 9:34 | 3 | 3782 | 2011/5/29 17:03 by David Grubbs |
Chasing Rough idle...compression? [1][2][3]...[7] | Mike | 2011/5/20 14:16 | 65 | 34800 | 2011/5/28 17:19 by Ozstatman |
Starter Motor Lubrication | steve828 | 2011/5/26 11:53 | 4 | 2564 | 2011/5/27 20:39 by steve828 |
Eliminating Hot Spot? [1][2] | Mike | 2011/5/25 15:04 | 13 | 4533 | 2011/5/26 23:57 by fred kanter |
Intake / Exhaust Manifold and breathe pipe Colours 23 series- 1950 [1][2][3] | browenb | 2011/5/25 7:07 | 28 | 11576 | 2011/5/26 23:56 by BigKev |
Rough Idle | steve828 | 2011/5/25 16:37 | 7 | 3990 | 2011/5/26 19:19 by PackardV8 |
Interesting '50 Packard Story | Ozstatman | 2011/5/25 19:24 | 2 | 1659 | 2011/5/25 20:44 by Ozstatman |
When deciding what to buy.... [1][2] | 19482255 | 2011/5/22 0:21 | 14 | 8001 | 2011/5/25 1:29 by Paul_K |
servicing the clock on a 1951 | David Grubbs | 2011/5/21 22:08 | 7 | 4243 | 2011/5/24 22:07 by David Grubbs |
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