Topics | Topic poster | Publish time | Replies | Views | Last post time | ||
Problem with the luggage compartment lock | Tom Wolt | 2011/5/14 14:37 | 4 | 3637 | 2011/5/14 18:46 by Thomas Wilcox |
Hand Brake | Paul E. Gallagher | 2011/5/9 17:28 | 2 | 2800 | 2011/5/14 10:34 by Paul E. Gallagher |
1950 Packard [1][2] | Roy | 2011/5/10 11:55 | 10 | 6271 | 2011/5/13 13:14 by Steve |
Which Coil do you guys use? [1][2][3]...[8] | Mike | 2011/4/17 21:16 | 70 | 35832 | 2011/5/12 21:56 by Charles |
Chrome polish | Rich Bishop | 2011/5/11 12:48 | 9 | 5686 | 2011/5/12 20:03 by Joe Santana |
Replacement Body Panels | Classic2CurrentFabrication | 2011/5/11 12:34 | 0 | 1981 | 2011/5/11 12:34 by Classic2CurrentFabrication |
contact point set | walkerman | 2011/5/7 6:00 | 3 | 2886 | 2011/5/10 17:21 by AJ |
Rewiring | Fred Puhn | 2011/5/10 14:41 | 1 | 2094 | 2011/5/10 15:16 by BigKev |
1948 Super Eight Timing | Kurt Wiegers | 2011/5/7 22:16 | 7 | 4080 | 2011/5/8 23:29 by Ozstatman |
Parking Lights/Turn Signals | Rich Bishop | 2011/5/7 21:33 | 7 | 4557 | 2011/5/8 22:12 by Owen_Dyneto |
1949 Super 8 overheating | Packard0 | 2011/5/6 16:34 | 4 | 2838 | 2011/5/6 22:18 by Charles |
Proper psi at carburator [1][2][3][4] | scottie | 2011/5/3 15:14 | 35 | 14340 | 2011/5/6 14:42 by BigKev |
rear axle seal [1][2][3] | walkerman | 2011/5/2 15:22 | 29 | 15614 | 2011/5/6 11:06 by Owen_Dyneto |
WGD Carb leak | Rich Bishop | 2011/5/5 23:04 | 5 | 3400 | 2011/5/6 11:04 by Owen_Dyneto |
Rough Idle | steve828 | 2011/5/5 15:33 | 6 | 3811 | 2011/5/5 18:07 by Dave Kenney |
48 Super 8 won't start [1][2] | kybeefguy | 2011/4/27 17:19 | 12 | 7065 | 2011/5/4 21:39 by kybeefguy |
Valuation help needed for a 2472 | bingster | 2011/5/3 20:01 | 3 | 3084 | 2011/5/3 22:06 by fred kanter |
Battery Light | Jeremy B | 2011/4/30 9:33 | 4 | 3669 | 2011/5/3 18:47 by bingster |
Another engine paint question,1954 clipper 327 | paintdaddy | 2011/5/1 17:18 | 5 | 4148 | 2011/5/1 20:30 by fred kanter |
Another Spark Plug Question. | Dave Merrick | 2011/4/29 19:56 | 1 | 2693 | 2011/4/29 22:16 by PackardV8 |
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