Topics | Topic poster | Publish time | Replies | Views | Last post time | ||
Which Spark Plugs? | Dave Merrick | 2011/4/15 10:25 | 6 | 8350 | 2011/4/16 11:00 by HH56 |
48 49 50 Gear Ratios | Johnny | 2011/4/15 23:49 | 1 | 2755 | 2011/4/16 4:56 by Ross |
1954 Power Steering | Gene Cohen | 2011/4/15 20:52 | 1 | 2799 | 2011/4/15 21:41 by bozonono |
Engine Serial Number-53 Clipper | Rich Bishop | 2011/4/7 23:00 | 6 | 4703 | 2011/4/15 5:29 by Rich Bishop |
FOUND: Packard's long-lost midget concept [1][2][3] | West Peterson | 2009/8/11 12:03 | 22 | 15064 | 2011/4/14 21:04 by David Grubbs |
Need help figuring this girl out... [1][2][3] | browenb | 2011/3/22 20:27 | 20 | 11728 | 2011/4/14 14:47 by BigKev |
Ultramatic Test Gauge fittings | BigKev | 2011/4/13 15:13 | 7 | 4143 | 2011/4/13 20:01 by PackardV8 |
Rings | jsa03781 | 2011/4/13 8:09 | 4 | 2943 | 2011/4/13 19:33 by PackardV8 |
What kind of Engine Upgrades/Mods? | Rich Bishop | 2011/4/11 23:11 | 8 | 4586 | 2011/4/13 19:26 by BigKev |
22 Series Rear Shocks | Michal | 2011/4/13 11:17 | 5 | 3482 | 2011/4/13 17:17 by Michal |
Hydraulic pump operating the conv. top, on a 1953 conv. | Andre Trudel | 2011/4/13 15:04 | 2 | 2789 | 2011/4/13 15:29 by bozonono |
Hydraulic window help! | Bobby | 2011/4/11 0:15 | 1 | 2439 | 2011/4/13 9:20 by HH56 |
1947 Radio | packard1949 | 2011/4/12 10:12 | 1 | 2506 | 2011/4/12 10:57 by HH56 |
46 vs 48 vs 50 engines... | Johnny | 2011/4/10 15:36 | 5 | 2921 | 2011/4/11 23:43 by Johnny |
288 vs. 327 Manifold question | flackmaster | 2011/4/11 14:41 | 4 | 3185 | 2011/4/11 17:34 by BDeB |
Spot Lights??? | fory | 2011/4/11 0:59 | 1 | 2524 | 2011/4/11 8:33 by Randy Berger |
The front seat 1948 Packard 22nd Series Touring Sedan [1][2][3][4] | Michael Evans | 2011/3/22 5:34 | 32 | 17787 | 2011/4/11 1:30 by Michael Evans |
Copper Spray-a-Gasket | Dave Merrick | 2011/4/10 11:17 | 3 | 2632 | 2011/4/10 14:01 by HH56 |
Rear gear ratio [1][2][3] | Tommy Hahn | 2011/4/3 21:53 | 28 | 16707 | 2011/4/10 9:32 by PackardV8 |
22 Series - Front Shock R & R Advice [1][2] | Michal | 2011/4/5 21:26 | 12 | 7626 | 2011/4/10 8:56 by PackardV8 |
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