Topics | Topic poster | Publish time | Replies | Views | Last post time | ||
Packard Memorablia | eppy | 2010/12/14 21:56 | 5 | 4379 | 2010/12/19 21:08 by eppy |
Steering Wheel [1][2][3] | Gary Marshall | 2010/11/5 0:29 | 22 | 12837 | 2010/12/16 22:47 by HH56 |
oil pump rebuild questions [1][2][3] | Tobs | 2010/12/12 14:46 | 22 | 11735 | 2010/12/14 7:12 by PackardV8 |
Projects [1][2][3]...[5] | Gary Marshall | 2010/12/8 15:53 | 48 | 24515 | 2010/12/12 22:38 by Gary Marshall |
noisy differential [1][2] | packardtaximan | 2010/12/7 0:06 | 11 | 7867 | 2010/12/12 19:28 by 55PackardGuy |
Valve Order [1][2] | BigKev | 2010/12/11 2:37 | 10 | 6614 | 2010/12/11 11:41 by PackardV8 |
47 body issues | R Anderson | 2010/12/10 11:41 | 5 | 3746 | 2010/12/10 21:23 by ScottG |
Packard versus the Rest [1][2][3]...[5] | Gary Marshall | 2010/12/6 14:08 | 44 | 21545 | 2010/12/9 17:44 by HH56 |
Ultramatic Parts Question [1][2][3][4] | Paul Weeks | 2010/11/2 18:14 | 38 | 19191 | 2010/12/6 15:22 by Mike |
1st time startup [1][2][3]...[6] | Christopher Klapp | 2010/11/29 11:24 | 58 | 28189 | 2010/12/5 22:28 by Christopher Klapp |
1949 Steering Column | J.R. Buzzell | 2010/12/4 11:52 | 5 | 5410 | 2010/12/5 12:21 by HH56 |
54 convert with 359 and overdrive | bozonono | 2010/11/15 18:25 | 7 | 4555 | 2010/12/5 0:36 by Randy Berger |
ENGINE: 327 1948 [1][2][3]...[5] | Gary Marshall | 2010/11/7 21:44 | 41 | 21923 | 2010/12/3 23:12 by John Wallis |
1947 Super Custom Fog lights [1][2][3][4] | Dan Phenicie | 2010/11/26 16:10 | 34 | 16443 | 2010/11/28 23:32 by PackardV8 |
Dipping in Chemicals to remove paint [1][2] | Gary Marshall | 2010/11/10 8:38 | 14 | 6363 | 2010/11/28 16:59 by HH56 |
Pilot bearing removal 51-54 8cyl | Tobs | 2010/11/28 8:31 | 7 | 4465 | 2010/11/28 16:47 by Tobs |
Valvelifters? | Pack54 | 2010/11/21 4:14 | 5 | 3931 | 2010/11/27 10:13 by fred kanter |
'51 clutch parts [1][2] | Mike T | 2010/10/10 15:42 | 14 | 6857 | 2010/11/26 23:21 by Mike T |
1949 Backup Lamp | J.R. Buzzell | 2010/11/25 15:42 | 7 | 4013 | 2010/11/26 10:15 by J.R. Buzzell |
Overdrive.... Reverse | Pacdon | 2010/11/22 23:18 | 9 | 5361 | 2010/11/23 13:44 by HH56 |
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