Topics | Topic poster | Publish time | Replies | Views | Last post time | ||
22nd Series Seats Restoration [1][2][3]...[5] | Gary Marshall | 2010/11/7 8:02 | 43 | 17076 | 2010/11/21 21:30 by J.R. Buzzell |
Oil Line Restrictor? [1][2][3] | Mike | 2010/11/14 13:57 | 23 | 10550 | 2010/11/21 12:23 by Mike |
48 Convertibles | Gary Marshall | 2010/11/15 1:05 | 9 | 4684 | 2010/11/21 11:22 by David Baird |
What's this tube? | Dave Merrick | 2010/11/20 23:53 | 9 | 5421 | 2010/11/21 0:29 by Eric Boyle |
Engine [1][2][3] | J.R. Buzzell | 2010/10/30 15:29 | 23 | 13084 | 2010/11/19 23:29 by PackardV8 |
Ticking Noise in 1953 327 eight [1][2][3] | pack1948 | 2010/11/10 16:46 | 26 | 13045 | 2010/11/18 16:17 by JWL |
Chugging engine... [1][2] | Paul Weeks | 2010/10/26 21:21 | 19 | 9087 | 2010/11/17 13:11 by Jim L. in OR |
Windshield Washer [1][2][3][4] | J.R. Buzzell | 2010/11/11 20:45 | 37 | 19042 | 2010/11/16 13:15 by BigKev |
Still Inside the Dash - '51 300 - Voltage Regulator | Dave Merrick | 2010/11/15 14:19 | 9 | 4919 | 2010/11/15 23:57 by BigKev |
sun visor | Paul E. Gallagher | 2010/11/13 14:05 | 7 | 7538 | 2010/11/14 20:59 by Paul E. Gallagher |
Electrics [1][2][3][4] | Gary Marshall | 2010/11/12 11:28 | 30 | 13686 | 2010/11/14 0:00 by Gary Marshall |
1951 Carpeting [1][2] | Jim L. in OR | 2010/11/11 10:50 | 12 | 6541 | 2010/11/11 21:55 by Jim L. in OR |
Smoke Problem [1][2] | Frank1951 | 2010/10/14 19:46 | 11 | 6033 | 2010/11/11 17:43 by Frank1951 |
transmission shop in Phoenix, AZ | ted | 2010/11/10 19:53 | 5 | 3695 | 2010/11/10 20:15 by Eric Boyle |
Tapping from in 53 Packard 327 | pack1948 | 2010/10/24 15:19 | 8 | 4741 | 2010/11/10 16:40 by pack1948 |
Rear shelf over rear seat back and beneath the rear window | Michael Evans | 2010/11/7 13:44 | 7 | 5613 | 2010/11/9 12:11 by Michael Evans |
Super Eight Radios [1][2] | Gary Marshall | 2010/11/5 19:22 | 18 | 8265 | 2010/11/9 8:32 by Gary Marshall |
Spark Plugs | Gary Marshall | 2010/11/4 9:40 | 7 | 5347 | 2010/11/8 11:07 by JWL |
Side Tracked by a '51 Packard [1][2] | Jim L. in OR | 2010/10/10 18:36 | 18 | 9045 | 2010/11/6 23:10 by Jim L. in OR |
Project Convertibles up 1948 [1][2][3] | Gary Marshall | 2010/11/1 14:35 | 24 | 13200 | 2010/11/6 8:19 by Gary Marshall |
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