Topics | Topic poster | Publish time | Replies | Views | Last post time | ||
What kind of Seal retainer is this? | Boro | 2008/9/5 18:20 | 7 | 5442 | 2008/9/8 23:29 by gone1951 |
wiring questions [1][2] | Drake | 2008/9/1 18:04 | 10 | 12448 | 2008/9/4 23:25 by BigKev |
48 packard 3 speed overdrive | akk373 | 2008/9/1 20:25 | 6 | 5491 | 2008/9/3 21:29 by JimGnitecki |
power steering leak 52 Mayfair | Dale Rhinehart | 2008/8/29 15:08 | 5 | 4471 | 2008/9/3 21:04 by BigKev |
Help! Need some ideas! [1][2] | Boro | 2008/8/30 15:48 | 13 | 9332 | 2008/9/1 13:44 by gone1951 |
Checking Trans Level 52 Mayfair | Dale Rhinehart | 2008/8/17 20:00 | 9 | 5414 | 2008/8/27 21:02 by Bob |
Rear Springs | gone1951 | 2008/8/25 11:31 | 7 | 4924 | 2008/8/26 10:58 by Owen_Dyneto |
Lazy clutch [1][2] | Dave Kenney | 2008/8/18 8:13 | 10 | 6376 | 2008/8/23 18:33 by Dave Kenney |
1953 Packard Corporate Limo | Larry | 2008/7/7 16:03 | 5 | 5510 | 2008/8/21 21:24 by Rusty O\'Toole |
Thermostat retainer [1][2] | Brian | 2008/8/11 10:51 | 13 | 10484 | 2008/8/16 18:37 by Jay Faubion |
VIN Number | BSwank | 2008/8/16 9:59 | 9 | 6523 | 2008/8/16 15:15 by Ozstatman |
PS Pulley as drive for AC Compressor? [1][2][3] | JimGnitecki | 2008/7/6 17:03 | 22 | 12426 | 2008/8/15 18:12 by Eric Boyle |
Replacing the door after paint job [1][2] | Tom Wolt | 2008/8/13 6:01 | 10 | 6486 | 2008/8/14 12:30 by David Baird |
Painting my Engine [1][2] | Dale Rhinehart | 2008/8/11 20:25 | 17 | 8329 | 2008/8/12 23:21 by Daniel Leininger |
1949 Green Packard | HarleyGuitarMan | 2008/8/11 21:01 | 9 | 6533 | 2008/8/12 15:55 by JimGnitecki |
Coolant Drain Plug in Engine Block [1][2] | Patrick J. Guerin | 2008/8/11 9:55 | 16 | 10013 | 2008/8/12 15:29 by Owen_Dyneto |
1952 Mayfar 250 2 dr HT [1][2] | Dale Rhinehart | 2008/8/8 18:02 | 17 | 9780 | 2008/8/8 23:10 by Dale Rhinehart |
Floor Pan Source Question | lhall4717 | 2008/7/19 8:55 | 8 | 7590 | 2008/8/8 12:21 by Classic2CurrentFabrication |
oil filter problem | mactro215 | 2008/8/5 19:13 | 8 | 5711 | 2008/8/6 19:35 by David Baird |
Gear Ratio? | Jay Faubion | 2008/8/4 19:18 | 7 | 4995 | 2008/8/5 20:50 by Dave Kenney |
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