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Re: The Packard is finally done.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The paint is Trianon Green Metallic. I have the 1936 Packard 120 paint chips and had the local paint store mix a paint to match the chip.

Posted on: 2023/7/18 18:08
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

The Packard is finally done.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It now has the new tires, painted wheels and hubcaps on it. It has been a 12 year project with a few speed bumps thrown in along the way. It is finally totally assembled.
I did almost all of the work. I took it apart, stripped the paint, repainted it, made the new interior and top, installed the new rubber on the running boards and reassembled it. I also did a lot of minor body work. The new metal in the back end and fenders was done by a very talented man, Larry Rebsamen, who has since passed away. Two friends, Ken Ellison and Tim O'Mahony helped me with getting things ready to paint and with reassembling the car.
The pictures are as I bought it in 2001, new metal in the back end where there was a lot of rust and poor repairs done, and the car as it looks now in its Trianon Green Metallic, a 1936 Packard 120 color.

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Posted on: 2023/7/18 11:33
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

Re: '37 120 Whiskers
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I just went and looked at my 1936 120 convertible sedan. The whiskers are straight at each end on my car.

Posted on: 2023/6/23 9:17
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

It is finally together
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

After many years my 1936 Packard is together again, with the rust repaired, new paint, new black leather upholstery and new Stayfast top. All that is left is to paint the wheels and get the new tires on them.
It has taken me a lot of work to do all this, including a divorce after 46 years of marriage and 4 bouts with cancer, and compression fractures in my back, which slowed everything down.
Now I can look forward to driving and enjoying the car.

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Posted on: 2023/6/12 16:28
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

Re: WANTED 1936 120 bumper bolts
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I am a little too new to old cars to remember the place in Puyallup. I bought my first Model T in 1962 when I was living in Seattle, and Vintage Auto Parts was in Lake City, before they moved toward Monroe.
I also remember Yma Sumac.

Posted on: 2023/6/1 16:45
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

Re: WANTED 1936 120 bumper bolts
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I went to donate but I can only do so by opening a Paypal account, which I do not want to do. I will be happy to send you a check which you can donate to the forum. Send me a private message with your address and I will get one off to you today. Thank you, Keith

Posted on: 2023/6/1 10:59
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

Re: WANTED 1936 120 bumper bolts
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

BigKev, I would like the new ones. I will be very happy to make a donation to the website.
Keith McGowan
6821 92nd St. E.
Puyallup, Wa.

Posted on: 2023/6/1 10:48
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

Re: WANTED 1936 120 bumper bolts
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thank you for looking. If you do have a pair you can e-mail me at oldcars@comcast.net or reply on this forum. Keith

Posted on: 2023/6/1 9:23
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

WANTED 1936 120 bumper bolts
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I seem to have misplaced 2 bumper bolts for my 1936 120. They are the ones with the head style as shown in the photograph. Thank you.

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Posted on: 2023/5/31 20:47
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

Re: Radiator Mounting Pads 37
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I just finished putting my 1936 120 together. The pads go in indentations on the outside of the bottom of the black sheet metal piece that goes into the radiator shell/grille assembly. I believe they are just to keep the sheet metal from rattling against the outer part of the shell. 2 on each side.
If yours is like mine the way the assembly was installed was quite easy.
The heavy black piece with the sheet metal piece was set in place with the big bolt at the bottom center installed in the large heavy black piece. Then the radiator was installed. Then the outer shell with grille was put in position. All of the mounting bolts were not tightened so a lot of adjusting could be done.

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Posted on: 2023/5/25 22:59
1936 Packard 120 convertible sedan
1916 Ford Model T Coupelet
1962 Thunderbird
2000 Corvette convertible

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