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Re: 1950 packard 288 engine just rebuilt now has water in the oil
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Yes I had each cylinder at BDC and TDC and one point in between. I hate to say it but I was hoping to find a pin hole in cylinder bore at least that could be repaired by boring it out and having a sleeve made. At least I think it could repaired if that was the issue. Now we are starting to wonder if the sealer worked after running it for 1 hr draining it and letting it set overnight to cure. Unfortunately the sealer damaged the crankshaft since some of it had to get in the oil before sealing the block up ??

Posted on: 2024/9/4 7:09

Re: 1950 packard 288 engine just rebuilt now has water in the oil
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Quite a regular

Sorry I wanted to get that sent so it would not time out. I pulled the pump and brought it back to my place to install a gasket and stop the leak. Plan on going back in the morning and raising the air pressure to 60 PSI. Dave has a friend with a shop that repairs and leak test blocks and uses 60 PSI to check them at. We are at a loss and thought for sure we would find something leaking Today. We are spraying everything in the valve area and anywhere that could leak into the oil. Dave would not have believed me if I didn't take the drain pan with all the water in it to show him a week ago. If anyone has a idea where to look or what we could have missed please let me know, we dont think 10 PSI more will make a difference.

Posted on: 2024/9/3 19:01

Re: 1950 packard 288 engine just rebuilt now has water in the oil
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Quite a regular

"And the plot thickens" When back to Daves my machine shop guy and removed the head so we could install the Intake and Exhaust valves with grease on the stems and seats to help hold them in place when we rotated the engine. Changed the water pump to a older one I had so we could steak a freeze plug with RTV on the inlet side . Then we pumped up the air pressure to 50 PSI and found the pump was leaking where gasket goes next to the thin plate clamed it with vise grips to some what hold. Then started looking for leaks again hoping to find something I had removed the studs for the manifold at my shop not thinking about the holes being through so we put 3/8 bolts with RTV on them to seal them up. After turning the engine over and sideways we decided to go upside down while spraying it with soapy water everywhere and no leaks. Installed spark plugs and held the valves up and filled the cylinders with water and keep looking still no leaks ????

Posted on: 2024/9/3 18:38

Re: 1950 packard 288 engine just rebuilt now has water in the oil
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

That was my thought as well about it leaking around the head studs it would come out on top of the head around the studs. No to using acorn nuts but a good question. The last thing I had thought of from my first post was all 8 spark plugs looked to clean to clean. They should have been light brown or tan not clean with not much color. My Machine Shop guy said the same thing when I showed him. I'm heading their this morning to talk about what info I have got from everyone here and try to raise the air pressure and look for a leak again. Thanks to all.

Posted on: 2024/9/3 6:41

Re: 1950 packard 288 engine just rebuilt now has water in the oil
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I believe what he is talking about are the head studs they do go into the water. Yes you are to use Permatex No. 2 sealer on all of them then torque them. We used this Sealant a lot at Caterpillar on gasket joints like oil pans and front and rear housings . They say it sets up but does not get rock hard. When I got a few head studs from Max Merritt they said to use it as well. I had thought of this but since it had great compression on all 8 cylinders hot and cold I did not think it could get in a cylinder. Thanks for checking on Facebook.

Posted on: 2024/9/2 15:30

Re: 1950 packard 288 engine just rebuilt now has water in the oil
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Thanks for the photo, is the area around and above the springs all water or just dark?

Posted on: 2024/9/2 13:58

Re: 1950 packard 288 engine just rebuilt now has water in the oil
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Yes to getting good at tearing it down and as for finding it and can it be repaired? I have a million dollar question , can anyone one tell me what all is water cooled in the block as for the valves and guides. We only replaced the valve guides Intake and Exhaust, I know you drive them in and out I have done this before but not on this engine. My machine shop guy said he did not think they were in the water passages but wondered if one could have caused a slight crack or caused something to break that we cant see. He told me he has seen some GM engines that the exhaust does run through water for cooling. We did find that some of the studs that hold the manifolds to the block go into water because I had taken them out and some of them starting leaking with air pressure. I hope one of the Packard guys can give me some info about this because it looks this is the only place where it could come from since the intake is wet

Posted on: 2024/9/2 13:54

Re: 1950 packard 288 engine just rebuilt now has water in the oil
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The last straw before pulling the engine and tearing it down was when I drained the oil after 1 hour of running it to work in the sealer it had gray / silver color floating on the top I knew it was bearing material. I had ran Irontite ceramic motor seal that my machine shop guy said to use because he had used it in other engines with success . I started thinking that if the engine still had a water leaking into the oil this sealer was in the oil when running it. I was hoping to be wrong but could not pick up any of the floating material with a magnet so I knew it was not good coming from the engine, my guess was the sealer was causing damage to the bearings being ceramic. With all the money I had put in this engine I had no choice but to take it back apart. Would have loved to been wrong but when I pulled the first rod bearing cap I was wright my perfect 74 year old crankshaft with std. bearings now had scratches you can catch a finger nail on and will need to be turned. "this stinks " The pistons still look good at least, I can get the crankshaft turned and bearings for it but will have to take it about 2 hrs away since my engine guy only polishes the crank. But still have to find the leak in the block and hope it can be repaired. Thanks again for everyone who has responded with questions and input. I'm going back to my engine guy Tomorrow and see if we can up the air pressure and find the leak.

Posted on: 2024/9/2 10:51

Re: 1950 packard 288 engine just rebuilt now has water in the oil
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Yes you are correct about the long paragraph sorry. I did see water on the dipstick two different times thats why I drained the oil after letting it set overnight so the water and oil would separate. Thats when I got worried knowing what damage it could cause. When I first starting looking at your Packard forum I found " Genes post Dec 2020 " that had the same issue but that engine had set for a while after being rebuilt. Thats when I did all the testing and checks. I pulled the Intake / Exhaust manifold and found it was wet all four inlets going to the block. So based on your info I new their was a leak or crack somewhere around the seats or valve guides guessing it must be opening up when hot. Thats why I wrote to you guys asking for help as to where it could be.

Posted on: 2024/9/2 7:39

Re: 1950 packard 288 engine just rebuilt now has water in the oil
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The first time I decided to check the water level it was about !/4 of a inch down in the radiator not to worried it had only been on two short drives about 2 miles or less each time. I have left the hood off so I could look at the engine for any problems leaks blowby and water coming out the over flow tube and saw noething checking it two or three times each trip. I also had filled it about 1 inch below the seal for the cap so it should not have boiled any out. It was about day three or four after a few more short trips it seamed to get lower thats when I jacked it up and drained the oil its hard to catch just the water but it was over a cup full 8 oz at least. Then I started doing all the checks I talked about in my last post as for checking cylinder pressure and putting pressure in the coolant system . The rest of that day and then over night , I was sure when I came out the next morning the pressure would have dropped off and their would be some water in the drain pan under the oil pan with the plug removed. I was shocked to see no pressure had been lost and no water was in the clean drain pan.

Posted on: 2024/9/1 19:43

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