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Re: unknown button/switch 53 Cavalier
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Rear speaker fader would have been my guess also. Too bad it was installed in the wrong position. Kev's diagrams and screen shot show the correct position. Also notice the knob doesn't match the others? It is for a 51.

Posted on: 2010/3/29 17:26

Re: Frame crossover
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A beginner who dives in and tears his car apart, is going to wind up with a wreck of a car and a lot of time and money wasted.

Fully agree with this.

Posted on: 2010/3/12 16:33

Re: How to Bench Test a Starter II
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Home away from home

Why don't you just take it to an auto electric shop. They can tell you if it's any good or not.

Posted on: 2010/3/11 12:16

Re: Brakes
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Home away from home

One point about drum brakes not mentioned by anyone so far is that, at least in the old days, the shoes were "arced",

This was true if the break job was done by a reputable company. Hard to do when you were doing your own break job in your driveway. The reason for arcking the shoes, as stated, was to provide complete contact from the start. If you could not arc the shoes they would wear in on their own over a relatively short period of time. You had to break them in gently to avoid burning up the new breaks.

Posted on: 2010/2/19 13:34

Re: electric fuel pump rebuild parts
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there are loads of guys with the answers, clothes pins on the fuel line,

Owen, I can almost vouch for that one. I remember when I was a kid my mothers 53 cadillac would vapor lock. After the cloths pins on the fuel line the problem seemed to go away. I wouldn't bet your life on that one however.

assuming a properly functioning pump valves and needle & seat)

The valves in the pump and the needle and seat in the carburetor are good. The line between the pump and carb holds pressure for hours after the engine is shut down. I was somewhat surprised at that. Didn't know the valves could be that good.

Posted on: 2010/2/15 14:13

Re: electric fuel pump rebuild parts
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today's gasoline has a higher propensity for vapor lock

Owen, My car will vapor lock after it's been idling a long time stuck in traffic. It seems to keep running OK until the traffic lets up and you are trying to accelerate up to highway speeds again. The engine cuts out but will catch again after a short distance.

You know I hate to add or change anything. Is there anything you know of short of installing an electric fuel pump? I have already had the mechanical pump rebuilt and it works perfectly. All the insulators are in place as well as the heat shield for the pump.

Don't you just love environmental progress?

Posted on: 2010/2/15 12:03

Re: just picked up a '51 ... lookin for tipz!!!!!
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also what do u guys think about chops and other customizations?

Too bad Packard didn't think of doing that. Probably would have increased sales tremendously.

Posted on: 2010/2/14 12:14

Re: just picked up a '51 ... lookin for tipz!!!!!
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Home away from home

I'd just try to pimp it out the best i could like similar new cars are done.

Clever one.

O_D where are you when we need you?

Posted on: 2010/2/14 12:10

Re: Headlight query
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Home away from home

It's sometimes just assumed that a higher voltage system means brighter bulbs. Let's remember that a bulb rated at 32 candlepower at 6 volts provides the same illumination as a bulb rated at 32 candlepower at 12 volts.

Owen Thank you. Yes 32CP is 32CP. I could see this one being carried on by the 6 volt verses 12 volt guys for weeks. You will understand this joke we had on the wall of our electronics shop on the Kitty Hawk. It said in big red letters [flash=,]CAUTION 20,000 OHMS[/flash]. You would be surprised how many people were very carful not to touch anything around that sign.

Posted on: 2010/2/12 12:58

Re: fender mounted rear view mirrors
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Home away from home

I have no intentions of placing any outside mirrors anywhere on my car now that it has been restored. I'll just try talking myself out of the ticket if I ever get stopped on the roadway.

I seem to remember that, in the 50s, outside mirrors were an accessory and not installed on most cars from the factory. Maybe that is why the outside mirror shows up in the accessory catalog to begin with. I don't think the police can give you a ticket for something that wasn't factory installed. Like the right hand tail light on a model A or seat belts for that matter. I would just tell the cop that the only mirror that the car had at manufacture was the inside one. He may still write you a ticket but I think in court you will win. The law states that you are not required to have anything that wasn't on the car when it was new. If you think about it there are many things that fall into that category, 4 wheel breaks for one.

Posted on: 2010/2/10 11:53

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