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Re: Packard 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

SOLD! Thanks to all you guys for the help getting this car up and running. You guys are a class act. Dan

Posted on: 2023/4/20 13:53

Re: Packard 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Doors and fenders have been painted, Top, Hood and trunk are original. Will get underside photos soon.

Posted on: 2023/4/18 15:23

Packard 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I have lost my storage and must sell my Packard 200 Deluxe Touring Sedan. I was told by the man who had it in his private collection for 30 + years before my ownership that it came out of the Packard estate in Jamestown (Lakewood) New York.
The car has 30698 original mile on it and is mostly original. No rust anywhere, a ton of work done this winter included: Complete brake system including master and wheel cylinders, new lines and hoses. New whitewall tires, windshield wipers, NAPA heavy duty battery and 6v cables. Rebuilt fuel pump from Kanter, rebuilt original carburetor. All new radiator hoses and belts. New rear axle pinion seal, all fluids changed. This is not a complete list but all I can remember for now.
All gauges and lights work, radio and clock do not. Car passed New York inspection last month. Runs great and drives well. Rides like a Packard
Car is located in Fredonia N.Y. $11,500. 716-338-2112

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Posted on: 2023/4/18 12:56

Quite a regular
Quite a regular


53 Cavalier wrote:
So in the end it was a leaky line that was allowing air in the system? This was on the suction side of the fuel pump? Still no fuel issues since?

It was the coupling where the rubber inlet line from the back of the fuel pump attaches to the steel line from the fuel tank. Just tightened it more than it had been. There was no indication that there was a problem there except for the running low on fuel in the glass fuel filter bowl. No troubles since.

Posted on: 2023/4/18 12:12

Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Today I had some time to tear into things on the Packard. I rigged a fitting to adapt my vacuum gauge to the rubber inlet hose on the fuel pump. Then put on a lawnmower gas tank to gravity feed into the carburetor.
I came up with 5# of vacuum at the fuel pump inlet at an idle. Decided that the fuel pump was OK so put everything back together. It ran fine!
The only thing I did as suggested was tighten the steel line fitting to the rubber fuel pump hose harder. Viola, The glass bowl on the filter stays full and I put 50 miles on the car today with no problems. Thanks so much to the guys who contributed information. Dan

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Posted on: 2023/4/7 17:30

Re: HELP! car dies when hot.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


29tons wrote:
Just wondering if your fuel pump has the factory heat shield if the fuel gets to hot maybe its vapor locking
Yes, the car still has the original heat shield. Fuel bowl does not seem to get hot, you can lay your hand on it anytime.

Posted on: 2023/4/6 8:00

Re: HELP! car dies when hot.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


Packard Don wrote:
Did you use the insulators in the two mounting holes? Without them there is too much slop that could effectively lessen the throw of the lever to the cam.

Don, I did use the spacers but I'm not sure what insulating they do as they looked like sections of copper pipe.

Posted on: 2023/4/6 7:57

Heat riser position (photos)
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I am having trouble with the car running when hot. ( See: HELP, car dies when hot ). I got to thinking about my heat riser position and it's possible relationship to my current problem. Can anyone tell if the riser is in the open or closed position from these photos? It is rusted in this position and does not move. Thanks again, Dan

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Posted on: 2023/4/6 2:01

Re: HELP! car dies when hot.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Jerome, The gasket I used came from Kanter and is about .020 +or- so I don't think that's a factor. I understand using a vacuum gauge to test the incoming pressure but confused on how to use one on the line to the carb as that is pressure not vacuum. I do not have a vacuum pump so thats out. I'll see if I can rig up the vacuum guage to the rubber inlet hose directly to see what the pump pulls without the line in the equation. Getting way too complicated. Dan

Posted on: 2023/4/5 21:55

Re: HELP! car dies when hot.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

RH, I can blow air into the tank with 20# pressure and if I put air to the tank filler, gas will come out of the line at the fuel pump. I can hold air in the line for a while and no leaks in the line anywhere. No obstruction I can find. I used 2'of clear plastic tubing from the carb line to the jug. It took probably 15 seconds just to fill the tubing. Maybe just a bad pump?

Posted on: 2023/4/5 20:40

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