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1938 Super 8 engine torque?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I wondered what the engine torque is for the '38-era 320 Super 8 motor then was surprised to find I could not locate it anywhere. I've been through all of my Packard books, magazines and brochures, and none of the specs I located online include it.

I know the Twelve had 322 lbs but what about the Super 8 by comparison?

For those of you fortunate enough to have driven both the Super 8 and Twelve of '37-'39 - just how much quicker is the Twelve's acceleration despite its extra weight?


Posted on: 2019/9/17 20:20
1947 Custom Super Clipper coupe
1949 Deluxe Eight coupe

Re: 288 swap for 327 - what's involved?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Thank you both for the excellent information. The '48 does not have an electromatic clutch, so no issue there, and the '51 was bolted to a standard transmission like the '48. I appreciate your help-

Posted on: 2019/9/8 21:40
1947 Custom Super Clipper coupe
1949 Deluxe Eight coupe

288 swap for 327 - what's involved?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Can anyone advise on what's involved with removing the 288 motor out of a 22nd series car and replacing it with a '51 five-bearing 327? It's my understanding the blocks are either the same or very similar, but is the engine mounting the same? I'm assuming the standard shift transmission bolts the same to either one.

I went back through the forum looking for previous discussion on this topic; closest I found was the 356 327 327 288 discussion from 2013.

Many thanks for any assistance you can provide-

Posted on: 2019/9/7 13:04

Re: 22nd series OD solenoid leak
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Thank you to all for the advice and especially to you Howard - it turned out the solenoid surface was not flat and so not making good contact with the transmission case; the paper gasket was insufficient. A slightly thicker gasket made the difference, and after a mix of highway and city driving...not a drip yet.

Posted on: 2018/12/2 16:34
1947 Custom Super Clipper coupe
1949 Deluxe Eight coupe

22nd series OD solenoid leak
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I have a '49 Deluxe Eight coupe with the R9 overdrive which has a steady drip from the electric solenoid on the right side of the unit. I purchased new seals from Max Merritt; there are two paper gaskets for the unit and a third, o-ring style seal which goes around the OD plunger. Here's my question: should this o-ring be coated in grease or any lubricant or should it be installed dry? The reason I ask is that when we installed it dry, the unit continued to leak at the same rate as before. Many thanks for your guidance-

Posted on: 2018/11/27 15:44

Re: Restoration of underseat heater
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Thank you Howard - I've sent them a note and will report back if they're able to help.

Posted on: 2014/12/31 14:14
1947 Custom Super Clipper coupe
1949 Deluxe Eight coupe

Restoration of underseat heater
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Has anyone had the floor heater restored and do you have a recommendation for someone to do this? I'd like to have the one from my '47 gone through - repair any leaks, etc. Seems I had this done for another car some years back but can't recall who did it for me. Thanks-

Posted on: 2014/12/30 22:05
1947 Custom Super Clipper coupe
1949 Deluxe Eight coupe

Re: 356 running rough and eating ignition points
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Tuneup kit was from Max Merritt - condenser appeared new. They sent a replacement after we determined it was the problem, but for now I am running on the original one.

Posted on: 2014/3/31 0:43
1947 Custom Super Clipper coupe
1949 Deluxe Eight coupe

Re: 356 running rough and eating ignition points
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Thank you everyone for the good advice. We replaced all the ignition parts, and the car wouldn't run, so we slowly backtracked and reinstalled the original parts one item at a time. It turned out that the new condenser, which was included as part of the tune-up kit, was bad. Once we removed it and reinstalled the original, the car ran great. Oh well...

Good to be back on the road!



Posted on: 2014/3/26 12:24
1947 Custom Super Clipper coupe
1949 Deluxe Eight coupe

Re: 356 running rough and eating ignition points
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

I appreciate the guidance very much. The distributor is tight and not moving around. There does not appear to be an issue with the bushing although I keep the distributor as a suspect until I find otherwise. I disconnected the OD wire and the car ran equally poor so for now I assume that is not the problem. I went ahead and ordered a new coil and will install it to see if that makes a difference. I pulled the old coil last night and inspected the ignition wire, which looks OK.

I'll report back if the coil fixes the problem, or doesn't...

Posted on: 2014/3/18 16:07
1947 Custom Super Clipper coupe
1949 Deluxe Eight coupe

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