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Re: engine is out... now what do I do?
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Keegan Chaput
that's what I figured. Thanks for the info.

Posted on: 2012/7/10 10:00

Re: engine is out... now what do I do?
Home away from home
Home away from home

Keegan Chaput
can you buy the half circle seals for the oil pan (don't know the term for them) without buying the whole set of gaskets?

Posted on: 2012/7/10 9:37

Re: engine is out... now what do I do?
Home away from home
Home away from home

Keegan Chaput
We'll see if it holds.

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Posted on: 2012/5/26 11:07

Re: engine is out... now what do I do?
Home away from home
Home away from home

Keegan Chaput

PackardV8 wrote:
I assume an arc welder will be used to repair. Heat the area with a torch, not cherry red tho. Just get it hot enuf short of color change and then apply the arc welder. Note that the arc welder will make for a hard fill and maybde difficult to drill. Use a carbon rod or sha[ped block to fill / sculpt the hole to redure drilling/filing to finsih.

But like u say it's always a crap shoot. Sometimes it works just fine other times not.

That's the technique I've used before when welding castings. Preheat is critical and you can't let it cool too fast.

Posted on: 2012/5/25 22:29

Re: engine is out... now what do I do?
Home away from home
Home away from home

Keegan Chaput
Removed one of the exhaust manifolds to clean it up in the blaster. Found one of the mounting holes has been damaged. Looks broken off but not cracked. I'm thinking about trying to build it up with weld metal and re-drilling the hole. I've had some success welding cast manifolds in the past, but it's always a crap shoot.

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Posted on: 2012/5/25 17:25

Re: engine is out... now what do I do?
Home away from home
Home away from home

Keegan Chaput
Took the oil pump off and started to check clearances per the repair manual. I think this one is No Good. Gear to Housing clearance more than 0.010. Manual states max of 0.005. Shaft also appears to have quite a bit of movement.

I sent Mr. Vines a message about the Olds kit.

I'll hopefully have some time tomorrow to check a rod bearing or two and also inspect the cylinders as PackardV8 suggested. I sure appreciate all of the help and advise.

Posted on: 2012/5/24 18:17

Re: engine is out... now what do I do?
Home away from home
Home away from home

Keegan Chaput
No evidence of contact between the dip stick and oil float, but there is some on the tube going between the pump and block. I should be able to just bend that tube out of the way a little bit.

I used some plastigage on three of the main caps. #1,2,3 all checked out at 0.0015 plus or minus 0.0002. Manual says clearance is 0.0005 - 0.0025 so I should be okay?

I'll check #4 and #5 when I pull the oil pump for it's inspection.

More to come.

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Posted on: 2012/5/23 16:36

Re: engine is out... now what do I do?
Home away from home
Home away from home

Keegan Chaput

PackardV8 wrote:
How many miles does this engine have on it????

Depending on the condition of the pump it mite be prudent to consider the Olds oil pump conversion kit.

Supposedly, the car has around 45k miles. Seems likely, but I can't be 100% sure. I will be doing some serious thinking (possibly drinking) about the Olds kit in the very near future.

What's the best way to check the dip stick interference?

Posted on: 2012/5/23 8:38

Re: engine is out... now what do I do?
Home away from home
Home away from home

Keegan Chaput
Removed the pan and got the motor rolled over on the engine stand. I snapped some pictures of the oil pump. You guys can tell me what I've got here.

The pump has the number 440662 cast on it if that means much.

The pan had some expected sludge in the bottom and I didn't find any large chunks of iron thankfully. I did find tiny rocks and such. This oil pan has been through some abuse. They obviously hit something with it. Added a skid plate and brazed in a new drain plug. It was holding oil without signs of leaks, so at least the repairs seem successful.

Tomorrow I plan to get some plastiguage and check a couple main bearings.

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Posted on: 2012/5/22 22:51

Re: engine is out... now what do I do?
Home away from home
Home away from home

Keegan Chaput

Jack Vines wrote:
FWIW, I've got an extra set of valve stem seals from a new gasket set. PM me and I'll make you a special PckardInfo.com deal.

jack vines

PM Sent

Posted on: 2012/5/22 22:39

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