54 Cavalier brake light switch
Just can't stay away
Our recently acquired 54 Cavalier has recently lost its brake lights. Does it take the same 2 prong switch as the 21st and 22nd series? Also, is it accessible from under the hood as the older cars or do you access it from underneath? I cannot see it from under the hood. Thanks, Tommy
Posted on: 2024/9/2 19:29
Ap46th annual Texas Packard Meet
Just can't stay away
The 46th annual Texas Packard meet will be held once again in historic Salado in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. The event features a welcoming party, early bird tour, parade to the public display along Salado Creek, a people's choice competition and swap meet, seminars, and an awards banquet. For registration and details go to texaspackardmeet.org
Posted on: 2024/8/29 19:53
Re: 1954 Cavalier generator fan belt
Just can't stay away
Thanks for going to the trouble but ours does have p/s and thus it is a different belt.
Posted on: 2024/3/3 17:57
Re: 1954 Cavalier generator fan belt
Just can't stay away
It would help if someone could give me the number off the belt currently working properly on their 327 with p/s. I think the current one, carquest 7417xl/gates 11a1055 is slightly too large.
Posted on: 2024/3/3 15:18
Re: 1954 Cavalier generator fan belt
Just can't stay away
Thanks so much! I did not test it but just took it out of the box and polarized as per the directions. Might figure how to do that but I think regardless the current belt is not tight enough.
Posted on: 2024/3/2 17:55
1954 Cavalier generator fan belt
Just can't stay away
We recently acquired a 54 Cavalier and have experienced charging issues. It will only charge up to 6.2 volts even after new vr and generator installed. Our latest idea is the belt. The current belt has these numbers, Carquest 7417xl and also has the Gates number 11A1055. It seems the tension is a little light and will not adjust any tighter. Does anyone have a number for a little smaller belt that works on a 54 327?Thanks
Posted on: 2024/3/2 15:55
Re: kingpins 54 Cavalier
Just can't stay away
Posted on: 2024/2/18 20:44
Re: kingpins 54 Cavalier
Just can't stay away
Don't have a heat gun but maybe a hair dryer might work.
Posted on: 2024/2/18 20:42
kingpins 54 Cavalier
Just can't stay away
The Kingpins on our new to us 54 Cavalier are noisy. I had that problem with a 47 and fresh grease solved the problem. Using my pneumatic grease gun, I could not get them to take the grease. I guess it has been so long since it was greased that the grease got hard and is blocking fresh lubricant. Was wondering if I could use carb cleaner and then try again? If it still won't take fresh grease. what size do I look for in new fittings? I realize the kingpins may be bad but I want to get fresh grease in them before throwing in the towel.
Posted on: 2024/2/18 19:59