Drain plug on '54 Patrician
Quite a regular
Can someone tell me the size and thread pitch on the drain plug of the ultramatic transmision on a '54 Patrician? Thanks,B.
Posted on: 2015/8/24 18:58
Re: Ohms of resistance for 54 Patrician temp sender
Quite a regular
My gas gauge is fine. I just looked at the bulletin, and there is nothing between the temp and fuel gauges.
Posted on: 2015/8/19 15:13
Ohms of resistance for 54 Patrician temp sender
Quite a regular
Owen, can you tell me the ohms of resistance on my temp sender? I was told on here some time ago that it is about 10 ohms. My gauge i think is reading higher than it should be. I'm in the process of putting a manual gauge in the head to get the true reading. But, want to purchase new sender. Voltage shouldn't matter, just ohms of resistance, correct?? I've seen the service bulletin about the regulator between the temp and fuel gauges. My Patty does not have that regulator. Thanks, Brian
Posted on: 2015/8/19 14:57
54 patty transmission fluid
Quite a regular
Hello. I'm in the process of changing transmission fluid. Can someone tell me what the equivalent fluid would be for my ultramatic. The manual says type A or AQ. Another sight said type F was the modern equivalent, but wanted to make sure. Also, is there anything else I should know before dropping the plugs. Thank, Brian
Posted on: 2015/8/2 10:48
2 questions to ask
Quite a regular
Hello. First question is about the temp gauge. I see on our sight that there was a service update on the temp gauge wiring. I looked at my 54 Patrician, and it doesn't have the updated regulator between temp gauge and fuel gauge. Is it just how it is wired or what? My car seems to run warmer than it should by the gauge. Second question is about my hydralic lifters. I have one that is ticking. Is there any quick fix or method of trying something to make it quit. Or, do I have to replace. If replacing, do I have to pull the head. Thanks, Brian.
Posted on: 2015/7/21 17:15
Re: 54 Patrician rear u-joint
Quite a regular
That clip has to slide in those grooves on the yoke. That is where I'm having trouble. The clip fits fine on the bearing cap
Posted on: 2015/7/5 18:49
54 Patrician rear u-joint
Quite a regular
Hello. I have been underneath this car for nearly 2 hours. I thought how simple the two horseshoe clips will be to put in!!! After these two hous, I'm not so happy. Do you guys have a solution to my problem. I made sure the yoke grooves are clear and burr free. Looked at my old ones to make sure they were the same thickness. Just out of sorts here. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Brain.
Posted on: 2015/7/5 11:47
Delco signal seeker radio
Quite a regular
Hello to all!!
Just wanting to know a little info. Now that I have my '54 patty on the road, I am doing odds and ends with the old girl. I pulled the radio from the dash. Opened up the vibrator to clean it up, and reinstalled. I can get it to come on and play a little, but would like to know who you suggest to sent it to for a little tlc. Also, what kind of shocks would you recommend. Thanks, Brian.
Posted on: 2015/6/29 17:02
54 Patty rear brakes
Quite a regular
Hello Everyone! Haven't been on here much the past month or so. Starting on the the brakes of this beauty. Was wondering if I'm missing something taking off the rear drum of this Patrician. Took off cotter pin, nut, and washer. Backed off shoes. Is there anything else I'm missing to do?? I have the fronts off. They came off soooo easy! King pins are in really good shape(no play). Thanks, Brian.
Posted on: 2015/4/22 16:50