Re: First Owners listing? - Pullman bodies?
Forum Ambassador
Pullman bodies are those made by Pullman Palace Car Co. (later Pullman, Inc.), the same company that built and operated the famous rail car coaches. The only Packard bodies that I've read of that were made by Pullman were the 1st Series Single Six 116 closed cars. That may be it, or there may be more to it - I'd suggest a read of the Kimes book which has some info on this.
During at least the 30s and into the late 40s there was a card, similar to the Vehicle Unit Record Card but called a Vehicle Delivery Record, that dealers were to have filled out with the purchaser's name, address, occupation, sale price and trade in if applicable. Copy No. 5 was for the dealer records and I assume the other copies went to the Zone and Detroit offices. How long this was in practice for I don't know, and how religious the dealers were about doing it is another question. What the Zone or factory did with them is unknown to me. I have copies of a couple of dozen of these cards from just one dealer in the midwest for the late 40s; these are from a private collection and I'll have to ask the owner if he'll give me permission to post one here.
Posted on: 2013/1/12 18:27