Re: Clock repair recommendations
Forum Ambassador
Don't recall ever seeing specs on Borg clocks which is the one most often used. For what its worth, almost all were fused with an SFE-2 fuse. In 53 they went to the AGA-3 fuse probably due to the SFE-2 amp being harder to find (and it seems to be completely gone today) and the AGA was still able to use the same size holder. I would guess the current draw for the clock is around 1 amp max and unless the winding mechanism is sticking, that is only for a few milliseconds.
Cannot offer a recommendation for servicing but there are some comments in this thread maybe worth looking ... ic.php?post_id=198687&keywords=borg+clock
Posted on: 2021/10/9 11:05
Re: Clock repair recommendations
Home away from home
Not sure if it matters with the clock, but make sure they know the car has a positive ground
Posted on: 2021/10/9 19:46
Re: Clock repair recommendations
Home away from home
Yes, The Clock Works
Edge River WI 715 479 5759 Running right daily since 2017.
Posted on: 2021/10/13 15:03
Re: Clock repair recommendations
Home away from home
Bob's Speedometer restored the clock from my '37 One Twenty. Great to work with.
Bob's Speedometer 10123 Bergin Road Howell, MI 48843 Bruce Woolsey - President ph: (810)632-0400
Posted on: 2021/10/13 16:02