Re: correct head for 28-526
Forum Ambassador
Most likely the two heads were at one time the same basic casting - are there casting numbers on the head to confirm that? I assume all the water jacket and head bolt holes correspond between the two. First thing I'd do is measure the overall thickness of the two cylinder heads. The head on the right in your photo appears to be either one of two things; a high compression head offered for that engine (check the parts book to see if such a head was offered) or, more likely, a head that has been severely resurfaced by surface planning or grinding, probably to eliminate warpage - it may have been surfaced beyond a useable limit so I'd be VERY RELUCTANT to use the head on the right without first checking to insure that enough clearance remains for the valves to open without hitting the top of the combustion chamber and bending their heads.
Posted on: 2014/5/1 8:18