Re: 1934 eight oil pan
Forum Ambassador
It's the filter screen for the oil pump intake. As I recall, all it should take to remove is a little wiggle with your fingers but I've got a spare pump and screen on the shelf and will check later to verify.
Posted on: 2022/2/12 18:14
Re: 1934 eight oil pan
Home away from home
Slap a strong magnet on it and pull, or carefully coax out with a 90 pick or two, or feed a piece of thin wire through it and pull.
Posted on: 2022/2/13 12:45
Re: 1934 eight oil pan
Quite a regular
Tim, thank you for taking the time to look at this and to get back to me. I really appreciate it. I was worried that the screen maybe was indexed onto something above or hooked onto something. If I understand you correctly,it just kind of 'snugs' into position? Anyway, I'll try what you suggested. Thank you.
Posted on: 2022/2/13 14:30
Re: 1934 eight oil pan
Quite a regular
Owen and Tim, thank you both for you assistance. I did get the filter screen out. It is most helpful to get notes from somebody that actually knows.
Posted on: 2022/2/15 13:39