Re: Roaring 20's Swap Meet and Auction, June 7th, Billings MT
Home away from home
I got in touch with the seller of the 52 Patrician, and he promised to send me more photos. So far nothing. The car has 32,000 miles showing on the odometer.
If any of you guys are interested in bidding via phone, please send me a pm so we can set it up. I will be checking the cars in, and will be able to shoot a few interior/engine photos and give a quick summary of the car. So far we have about 60 cars in the auction, which will be held this Saturday.
Posted on: 2014/6/3 22:46
52 Patrician at Roaring 20's Swap Meet and Auction, June 7th, Billings MT
Home away from home
Sorry for the late posting of these photos of the 52 Patrician that will be coming up for auction this Saturday. If any of you are interested in bidding, pm me and I'll put you in touch with the director of the auction. thanks
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Posted on: 2014/6/5 23:03