Re: Ultramatic questions....
Forum Ambassador
Yes, relined discs are readily available, several sources. No, it's not the same as the manual transmission clutch disc. No periodic adjustments. Longevity depends to some extent on driving habits; I'd expect the disc in the Ultramatics behind the straight 8s to last about as long as the engine lasts without a rebuild, the Ultramatic in my 54 Patrician went over 100,000 miles without rebuilding. Not uncommon to find a shorter life with the V8s but again quite dependent on how aggressive the driver's habits are. But if you're going to rebuild an Ultramatic for whatever reason, it would be prudent to replace the disc regardless of what mileage it had accumulated.
Posted on: 2015/9/10 12:46
Re: Ultramatic questions....
Forum Ambassador
And in addition two different styles of DD clutch plates were used. 50-51 had a large 11" diameter and was changed in 52 - 56 to a smaller 9" diameter.
Posted on: 2015/9/10 13:10