Re: 1932 light eight
Just can't stay away
I believe there's about 5, maybe 6 of the coupe sedans known. I remember when the guy who restored the maroon & black one 20 years ago thought there were only 4. Then I showed him a picture of one I knew about that was (and still is) in the same family since the 1950's. There may be a couple more out there. A quick google image search came up with 3 right off the bat. A maroon one, a blue one, and a tan one.
Posted on: 2018/5/9 20:54
Re: 1932 light eight
Quite a regular
In regards to the coupe sedan my internet searches in the past have also brought up the same 3 cars. I heard there is one in New Zeland. But has anyone else ever seen another one or pictures of one besides those 3 cars?
The coupes seem limited with internet search results also. I would assume that the coupe sedan is the rarest, followed by coupe, the coupe roadster then sedan in that order. Just curious to know since rosters don't show many either.
Posted on: 2018/5/10 19:24