Worth Saving??
Home away from home
1937 Packard DLX Vehicle was burnt in a fire. What you see is what you get. Insurance paid out over $150,000 in claim.
Posted on: 2011/7/3 11:44
Re: Worth Saving??
Home away from home
Worth Saving??
Not by me. The V8 implant would have been a major turn-off for me even before the car got crisped. Each to his/her own.
Posted on: 2011/7/3 11:54
Re: Worth Saving??
Forum Ambassador
Speaking from experience with Burnt 37's, this car is burnt toast, extra crispy. It is NOT restorable, salvageable, or otherwise useful for anything other than maybe a very few parts. Let this one die in peace.
Posted on: 2011/7/3 12:07
Re: Worth Saving??
Forum Ambassador
Wonder how many of those conversions were done. That looks very much like one done for someone by Fred Perkins at John Bryan Packard Repair in Southern Calif years ago. He had it on display at one of the PI membership meets I attended. IIRC, his had a U joint in the steering column to clear the manifold and I think even had the Ultra. Very tight in the engine compt--almost like a new car where you could see but not reach..
Posted on: 2011/7/3 12:11