Re: Anyone know where to fine replacement vinyl for a 1956 Caribbean
Forum Ambassador
Note from person just finishing a 56 Carib Hardtop roof:
I don't remember the exact material used but I got it from SMS. (Speak to Chuck...). Chuck's crew welded the longitudinal seams on the roof and they did a fantastic job. But it's important that you get the right the material. The first welded roof I got wasn't flexible enough to negotiate the compound curves at the back. Chuck will remember. SMS has good records of past orders so they should be able to go back and see what material we used.
Posted on: 2013/8/25 8:39
Re: Anyone know where to fine replacement vinyl for a 1956 Caribbean
Just popping in
Thanks for the info Owen. I have been in contact with them and they don't seem to know anything about the Caribbean. I supplied them the color codes for the car and they were going to send me samples. I was worried about the seams as well. I will ask for Chuck!
Posted on: 2013/8/25 11:56
Re: Anyone know where to fine replacement vinyl for a 1956 Caribbean
Forum Ambassador
When you speak with Chuck, remind him of the Caribbean hardtop roof (the 2nd one!) he made for Mr. Book of North Bergen, NJ. He and Mr. Book are well acquainted and he should recognize the name and be able to reference the order.
Posted on: 2013/8/25 13:18
Search No More!
Home away from home
Search no more, SMS to the rescue. I inquired about this a year or so ago and received these samples (see scan). The upper sample is a good "off-white" like Dover White and the grain seems to be a near match to the original Hypalon. I am assuming that this newer vinyl is not semi-permeable like Packard's original, so the water retention and resulting rust issues will not be a factor!
Posted on: 2013/8/27 11:39
1956 Packard Caribbean Convertible
1956 Packard Patrician Touring Sedan 1938 Eight Touring Sedan 1949 Custom Eight Touring Sedan |
Re: Search No More!
Forum Ambassador
Thanks for posting that scan, Esquireman.
I had inquired about Caribbean Hardtop Vinyl Roof Material in these forums, several years ago. Joel Ray responded and provided me with a sample salvaged from an original car, but also posted a pic, which I'll embed here for comparison: I'm still nowhere near ready to install roof covering on my Carib H/T that's more correct in appearance, but it's good to hear that the new material is not semi-permeable (as original). I wonder what should be used in lieu of the original thin (felt) pad (Gr. 31.46492), which was what really retained water. There's also a plastic retainer strip listed (Gr. 31.46494) - 2 per car (apperently one used on each side). Yet, I have to wonder if the two dozen screws that secured those were also a contributing factor to rust problems.
Posted on: 2013/8/27 16:35
Re: Anyone know where to fine replacement vinyl for a 1956 Caribbean
Just popping in
Thanks Owen. I spoke with SMS and they found Mr Book's order and say they can replicate it. Yea!!! I believe the pick of the samples that someone posted may be from his order.
Question: I have heard that the tops were padded, however the previous owner says his was not. Just the vinyl. He thinks it was original. The previous owner said the old seams were stitched and thus leaked. Does anyone know if most of them were padded? Also, what would you add for padding...just another layer of vinyl? Someone commented that the old ones had felt under the vinyl. Thanks Mark
Posted on: 2013/8/28 18:12
Re: Anyone know where to fine replacement vinyl for a 1956 Caribbean
Forum Ambassador
Mine originally had felt padding under. The upholsterer used a closed cell foam under the new top that supposedly would not let water penetrate or be retained. Believe he also taped the seams where it was cut to fit the curves so any water couldn't get under. Can't remember the thickness but maybe 1/8" or 3/16".
Posted on: 2013/8/28 18:33