Re: Brighter tail lights
Forum Ambassador
I forget who originally posted this link and it may not be the item Phils38cpe installed on his car but it has been used by several on the forum. Unfortunately if your Packard is pre 23rd series and has separate bulbs for the turn signals then it can only be wired to work as a third brake light. Because of the separate bulbs a single unit cannot work for brakes and as the extra directional signal
I forget what a poster said he paid for his but it was inexpensive enough that if you wanted the directional signal function you could buy two and mount them together -- one for brakes and the other for turn signals. Another poster bought license plate frames with the light function built into the top edge. I am not sure that would be high enough on some Packards to be of much value but is also an option. Amazon among others sells those but don't recall if any are 6 volts.
Posted on: 2017/1/13 11:38