Re: 55 Caribbean Over Heating
Forum Ambassador
I am not sure that is a defective gasket unless the holes are completely missing a passage. I have many of the original and aftermarket single layer steel gaskets and they all have smaller holes over larger water passages. Don't have a a block to check and see if any ports are completely covered.
Just like the thermostat slows flow thru the radiator I imagine there was some metering used in the block and heads to slow the flow down or direct it past areas so the water could have time for better heat transfer.
Posted on: 2020/9/6 17:15
Re: 55 Caribbean Over Heating
Forum Ambassador
From what I can see in your photos, the passages on your gasket matches those on my original Packard steel factory gasket, suggesting the reason for your overheating lies elsewhere.
Posted on: 2020/9/6 19:00
Re: e: 55 Caribbean Over Heating
Just popping in
Hi Ernie, the ones I received and you see in the photo came from Kanter. They are the same configuration as the ones that was ones on it. I will discuss with them on Tuesday and advise. JC
Posted on: 2020/9/6 19:04