Re: 1954 Packard / rear back up switch / smoke/ burning plastic smell
Home away from home
One more observation. When I had the instrument cluster out of my ’54 I noted a piece of body sheet metal just behind the cluster. I would suspect this sheet metal is to increase the body stiffness just below the windshield. That aside, the edge of the metal was quite sharp, and in my estimation would cut wiring insulation quite handedly. I tried my best at rounding the sharp edge and ultimately put a double layer of gorilla tape along the edge. I was actually in the process of changing all of the instrument bulbs and without my knowledge the right turn signal indicator made contact with this stiffener. Trouble-shooting of ‘how did changing the bulbs break the turn signals?’ led to the ‘sharpness’ observation. The turn signal bulb socket wire connection requires a bend to avoid the brace and I had inadvertently straightened the bulb connection . . . duh! From that experience I’ve concluded there’s not a lot of room behind the instrument cluster for wiring. dp
Posted on: 2023/10/2 14:49
Re: 1954 Packard / rear back up switch / smoke/ burning plastic smell
Home away from home
Hi DP. The 42 D black was incorrectly connected to the BAT post. Howard mentioned same note from the service counselor. The wire was cooked. Lucky this time.....I'm curious how many other peeps might have had same issue in the past...
Posted on: 2023/10/3 9:13
Re: 1954 Packard / rear back up switch / smoke/ burning plastic smell
Home away from home
The ’54 wiring diagram from Howard that is currently on this site is the one I referenced earlier. It has the Service Counselor text imbedded. IMO that’s far more preferable than an incorrect diagram and a separate SC. I looked at the diagram and found the following items connected to the BATT post of the 30A breaker: 21R Power feed spliced to 1-R Front cigar lighter Clock w/3A fuse Body Feed later identified by the SC > Rear cigar lighter > Courtesy lamps > Trunk lamp if so equipped The diagram for the 5462-65-67 models (Clipper Super) appears to have the Body Feed circuit on the ‘load’ side of the 30A CB. For the 10A CB; circuit 42D (power to the reverse lamp switch) appears to be un-protected. From this I’ve concluded the SC does not apply to circuit 42D. WRT your comment “how many other peeps might . . . “, I suspect you’re not the only one that has an ‘as built’ wire connection scheme. I’ve put removal of the instrument cluster on my ‘to do’ list. The next question is whether circuit 42D should be protected (I lean to Yes), and whether the SC guidance be taken (I lean to Yes). Since the diagram for the Clipper Supers is correct, I’m wondering whether the Body Feed issue is a documentation only issue with all vehicles wired correctly at the 30A CB, or some non-Clipper Supers were assembled in a configuration that later was found to be incorrect. dp
Posted on: 2023/10/3 13:42
Re: 1954 Packard / rear back up switch / smoke/ burning plastic smell
Home away from home
Thank you DP.
Posted on: 2023/10/18 11:19