Re: Clutch suppliers
Forum Ambassador
John, When (if?) I eventually manage to get the transmission reinstalled I do plane to do a write up for anyone else with a 356 engined Clipper who may be contemplating doing transmission or clutch work. I am in the process of having the clutch rebuilt and when that's complete in a few days I will tackle the transmission remounting.
Posted on: 2009/5/31 22:40
Re: Clutch suppliers
Forum Ambassador
Dave does the 46-47 have a large floor pan that can be removed after flipping up the carpet? The 48-50 Packards have this and it saved a lot of muscle when I was installing a stick w/OD. I had a friend sit in the center of the seat and lift the tranny with a fan belt. It was not a great strain for him to sit and hold it in that cradle while I guided it in from below. Saved a lot of muscle power.
Posted on: 2009/5/31 22:58
Re: Clutch suppliers
Forum Ambassador
Randy, Yes the floor has an inspection plate under the carpet. I have been thinking of using a "cherry picker" and reach in through an open door but I am going to try the transmission jack first. A fan belt etc. would work also if I could convince someone to come help me. Clutch and pressure plate are being rebuilt now so when it all comes together I will let you know how I made out.
Posted on: 2009/6/1 11:42