Re: windshield wipers
Home away from home
Working on the wiper renew and write up. Should start a new thread for the repair description. In General I guess?
First off I believe a description and understanding of normal operation of the unit in various settings will help make sense of the repair descriptions and also help your diagnosis of your wiper motor should you encounter a symptom not listed or addressed as you will see where the vacuum is directed to create motion. Reference the pictures and the diagram of the slide valve ports with the numbered holes and slide valve slid "to left" is toward the vacuum hose connection. In the diagram, the hose port is drilled and connected to port 7(park) and port 1(H shape) Supplying vacuum to these at all times. At stop the slide valve is all the way to the right which covers port 1 and allows a slit to connect 7 and 8 placing vacuum to the cup in the cover right chamber thus drawing the paddle all the way right past normal sweep and sucking the paddle park disc rubber seal to the cup and seals and holds all vacuum. Slide the slide valve SLIGHTLY to the left and 7 and 8 are covered and 1 is still separated from 2 and 5 separated from 3 and 4 separated from 6. All vac sealed at slide valve. Slide the valve further left and 1 will be just be uncovered and connected to 2(slow speed) and 5 will be connected to 3 and 4 connected to 6. As you can see port 2 is drilled and connected to the center of the shuttle and protrudes and is also the pivot for the shuttle valve. Because the shuttle is toggled to the right mechanically from the last paddle motion you can see the shuttle valve vents port 4 to the front cover chamber and routs vacuum from port 2 to port 3 where it is directed to port 5 again through a slide valve slot and down through a passage onto the left chamber to draw the paddle to the left. The rt chamber needs to be vented so as not to draw a suction by the growing volume in the rt chamber and this is why there us a hole and a filter in the lower frt cover to draw air so as not to fight the paddle movement to the left. When the paddle is far enough to the left a tiny tab on the paddle shaft in the frt cover toggles the spring loaded toggle rocker which shifts the shuttle valve and and vents 3 and connects 2 to 4 to 6 reversing the paddle etc until turned off or off park.
Posted on: 2014/11/26 18:35
Re: windshield wipers
Home away from home
In the front cover is a vac port on the "short stroke ,fast act" equipped 55-56. It is the sm brass horizontal fitting in frt not the lg vent port facing down below the fr cover.
Posted on: 2014/11/26 18:44