Re: Hydraulic stop light switch
Forum Ambassador
If you don't have Ultra then obviously not the light. Packard started using an electric windshield washer in 54 and may have installed the wiper control with the built in switch for that option as a standard item. If the option was not installed the wire is just tucked out of the way up into the shroud. If a dealer later installed the washer they could change the button in the knob to one that is moveable to work the switch and connect the wire.
Posted on: 2019/6/30 20:04
Re: Hydraulic stop light switch
Home away from home
Thanks Howard. The wiring diagrams are good in the manual. They showed two splices in the trunk. I checked the wiring and it seemed sound. Of course, since the direction signals and the driving lamps work, it shouldn't be a problem back there.
However, the manual also advises to LOOK FOR SHORTS under the dash. Lo and behold, I found one! The wire is a cloth-covered one that seems to go to the back of the instrument panel. It may even go to the Oil Light, that quit working. I just happened to have the key on and saw a spark... I had notices the wear-through on the insulation. But, since I saw a spark, there must be current there, so it apparently didn't blow a fuse. I found where it was rubbing on a cable. Pics to follow. No meter. Just following the wires, learning a lot. But no brake lights yet! No brake lights, no car.
Posted on: 2019/7/4 16:41
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