Re: Two National Packard Clubs
Home away from home
...The one that gets me most is the " I don't belong to any club because they're too much trouble" group... I don't belong to any club because they're too much trouble.
Posted on: 2011/10/6 11:59
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on
Re: Two National Packard Clubs
And folks wonder why "The Greying of the Hobby" is happening. People are not content to get together once a month, or write a letter and wait 3 weeks for a reponse to a question. It's a different world now. People are instantly connected and most younger folks know no other way. So if you want to bring younger folks into the hobby you have to adopt the technologies and methods of communication they use on a daily basis and expect.
Also these technologies I think are a must to support an orphaned make like Packard where folks that own them are spread out and there may not be another owner within 20 miles of you. It's not like working on a Tri-Five chevy where there are 100s of forums, many different local car clubs, probably another owner within a 10 min drive, and multiple vendors making just about every reproduction part. Just my $.02
Posted on: 2011/10/6 12:04
1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog 1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog |
Re: Two National Packard Clubs
Forum Ambassador
Your .02 cents is right on the money. I see the same greying happening in the train collecting field. Believe it or not, at one time I was one of the youngest train collectors in the field. The price of old rare toys has escalated beyond the ability of young family men to pay the going prices. In many cases it has gone beyond my ability to pay. Younger folks never had a train under the tree and parents who added on to their collection. I used to spend hours devouring a catalog trying to determine how much I could ask for and what Mom could afford. I doubt any kids do that anymore - it's mostly a hobby for grownups and that's sad.
But postwar Packards are a good buy and that may save them and introduce younger blood into this area of ownership. We can hope.
Posted on: 2011/10/6 13:46
Re: Two National Packard Clubs
Randy, I agree Postwar Packard models (especially 51-54s) are probably have the most best value right now for someone looking to get into one cheap. You can drive them and keep up with modern traffic. Most of the tune-up and brake parts are still available at NAPA, and there are plenty of part cars out there for scavenging, and the entry price is pretty modest.
Most of the younger guys are not afraid to work on them as long as they can get the information and support to do so. Remember young guys getting into the hobby are going to have young children who will grow up with them and hopefully start a new generation of Packard enthusiasts who have fond memories of driving around in dads old car. I believe there was a generation gap that has happened in that lineage in the recent past. Hopefully the web is the chance to connect people interested in these cars that may other wise quickly become disinterested because of the lack of local information or support, and as such moved on to the ubiquitous Chevy, Ford or Import, and never to look back.
Posted on: 2011/10/6 17:43
1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Touring Sedan -> Registry | Project Blog 1937 Packard 115-C Convertible Coupe -> Registry | Project Blog |
Re: Two National Packard Clubs
Home away from home
In all the different venues that I have shown my 56 Packard Executive, I have noted a distinctive interest by young people, mostly those in their teens. It's almost a hunger for mechanical knowledge. I would hope that I am offering an alternative to the on-line gaming and other fruitless electronic endeavors. I plan on continuing to show and explain the wonders of my Packard to as many who will listen.
Posted on: 2011/10/7 8:33
IF EVERYTHING IS COMING YOUR WAY ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - YOU'RE IN THE WRONG LANE! '56 Executive Touring Sedan |