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Re: far away from home
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At one time during the 70's and 80's furs like that were found here in the US. Usualy able to buy them USED for relatively cheap prices. Even at garage sales. They mite have a few flaws. Several dating back into the 40's and 50's and maybe even earlier. However used leather at that time was almost impossible to find and very expensive.

Now currently in the US it is almost impossible to find ANY used furs but plenty of used leather (modern el-cheapo leather).

I have only seen a vintage 1930's - 1940's German military FULL leather coat on TV shows or pictures. I don't think the US nor Rusia used such full length leather coats during the 30's or 40's. There are many collectors here in the US that specialize in German WWII military equipment. Never seen such a leather coat in their collections either, what very few such small collections i've seen.

One of those German WWII full leather coats is my dream coat to have and own.

Clothing currently available here in the US over the last 10 - 20 years has become extremely poor quality and fit. Even at the better clothing stores. So I'm becomming more and more interested in 1930's - 1970's vintage clothing of the US, England and Germany. I don't know much about Russian clothing tho.

Posted on: 2011/4/15 8:14
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f
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Re: far away from home
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Gusha writes:
"Keith, the Lady is no less than Marjorie Merriweather Post ".

Difficult to tell from the picture but look at the line of her face, her lower leg calve and how the coat hangs very well on her. Most likely that is some youger woman well under 45 in the picture. The girl is probably closer to 30 years old. Which is most likely why she is posed turned away from the camera.

Posted on: 2011/4/15 8:25
VAPOR LOCK demystified: See paragraph SEVEN of PMCC documentaion as listed in post #11 of the following thread:f
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Re: far away from home
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Just in terms of figures she was at the age of 50.

I remember that the bodyguards of marshal Tito wore leather, black leather and even leather skinned helmets, a kind of hybrid of caps for tank drivers and leather pilot caps or the like. I will go to the attic to look for related photographs.

Edit: Here you are.

Attach file:

jpg  (25.35 KB)
757_4da84cdb77e14.jpg 443X605 px

Posted on: 2011/4/15 8:26
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on www.guscha.de
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Re: far away from home
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Keith, as far as I remember I own a pair of original boots, belonged to an officer of the Wehrmacht, black and studded. More than 60 years old but in good shape.

Which shoe size do you have?

It needs a moment to find them. That is a sample pic.

Click to see original Image in a new window

Posted on: 2011/4/15 9:04
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on www.guscha.de
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Re: far away from home
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Gusha, are you sure that yacht is Post's Sea Cloud? Looks more to me like Vanderbilts. BTW, the Sea Cloud is still sailing in the upscale cruise market. Seesmallships.travel/Sea-Cloud.html?gclid=CI7P_7HvnqgCFUff4AodBROUHg

Here's a couple of pictures of Post's 48 Chrysler Crown Imperial (full CCCA Classic) by Derham, recently owned by a friend of mine. Reading thru her correspondence with Derham about the details is fascinating. For example, she had to have samples of the upholstery wool beforehand so she could have her furs lined with it to match the car's interior. And her neck had to be exactly X inches from the rear package shelf, etc.

Not a handsome car, but pretty impressive. I was lucky to have the opportunity to study it and the impressive documentation package carefully.

Attach file:

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177_4da8514bcbe83.jpg 1266X901 px

Posted on: 2011/4/15 9:09
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Re: far away from home
Forum Ambassador
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Were there any similar Derham conversions on a 22-23 series? IMHO, that squared roofline on the Chrysler looks so out of place on the round body, am curious if it would fare as poorly on a Packard.

Posted on: 2011/4/15 9:24
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Re: far away from home
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JD in KC
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PackardV8 wrote:
...Look at the sleeves of the fur. They have what appears to be the racoon type subtle striping. Sure take some big racoons to make that coat and a lot of them...

Considering who she is and where she is... I don't think she's wearing raccoon skins. I'm betting it's Russian Sable. Goes well with the Packard (best of everything).

Posted on: 2011/4/15 9:33
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Re: far away from home
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Dave, it may be true that you have the four-master Sea Cloud after its redesign in the 70s (again in Germany at the very ship yard, she was built in) kept in sight but knowing your maritime vein I qualify my statement as book knowledge.

Click to see original Image in a new window

--> That is what wikipedia says but I know about its imperfection.

Posted on: 2011/4/15 10:52
The story of ZIS-110, ZIS-115, ZIL-111 & Chaika GAZ-13 on www.guscha.de
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Re: far away from home
Forum Ambassador
Forum Ambassador

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IMHO, that squared roofline on the Chrysler looks so out of place on the round body, am curious if it would fare as poorly on a Packard.

HH56, the M.M. Post Derham is a SEVERELY formal car - impressive as to size, workmanship and detail, but not attractive in the least to my eye, but every inch was her specification, a true one-off. Her specs and communications must have covered 50 pages or more - she probably drove Derham close to wishing he'd never taken the commission! It's so severe for example that much of the external brightwork is painted out black. In the chauffer's compartment, the bright chromework was substituted with dull nickel plate. I can't think of any postwar chassis on which it could look attractive - she wanted distinctive and she got what she wanted.

Posted on: 2011/4/15 10:53
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Re: far away from home
Forum Ambassador
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Dave, it may be true that you have the four-master Sea Cloud after its redesign in the 70s (again in Germany at the very ship yard, she was built in) kept in sight but knowing your maritime vein I qualify my statement as book knowledge.

Gusha, I could well be incorrect on this. I'm furiously looking for pictures of the Vanderbilt yacht, a steamer, the one that was converted to a coastal patrol vessel by the U.S. Navy - in WW I I think. I'm going to browse www.navsource.org under patrol craft and see what pictures I can locate.

PS - Gusha, you are correct. What threw me was the picture you posted of Sea Cloud was AFTER her conversion to a U.S. Naval auxilliary in WW II - I was thinking it was of the ship "as built".

PS - seenavsource.org/archives/09/46/46099.htm

Posted on: 2011/4/15 10:58
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