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Re: 37th Annual Texas Packard Meet
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John, JW, and John, Appin, good to hear from you both and good that you had a good time! Looking forward to the photos.

Posted on: 2014/4/7 14:50

Bowral, Southern Highlands of NSW, Australia
"Out of chaos comes order" - Nietzsche.

1938 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

1941 One-Twenty Club Coupe - SOLD

1948 Super Eight Limo, chassis RHD - SOLD

1950 Eight Touring Sedan - SOLD

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Re: 37th Annual Texas Packard Meet
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John Forsyth
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Few Pics

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Posted on: 2014/4/8 9:35
Carpe Diem!! Registry
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Re: 37th Annual Texas Packard Meet
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Forum Ambassador

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Thanks for the pictures. I especially like the Single Eight touring though I wish the radiator shell and lamps were properly in nickel plate. Do you recall is the 34 Club Sedan was an Eight or a Super Eight? It appears to be an 1101 (Eight).

Posted on: 2014/4/8 10:04
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Re: 37th Annual Texas Packard Meet
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West Peterson
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The hub cap says Eight

Posted on: 2014/4/8 11:12
West Peterson
1930 Packard Speedster Eight boattail (SOLD)
1940 Packard 1808 w/Factory Air (SOLD)
1947 Chrysler Town and Country sedan
1970 Camaro RS
1936 Cord phaeton


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Re: 37th Annual Texas Packard Meet
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John Forsyth
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For sure an eight

Posted on: 2014/4/8 13:47
Carpe Diem!! Registry
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Re: 37th Annual Texas Packard Meet
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West Peterson
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I see that Gordon Logan has replaced the tires on his 1928 4-43 sport phaeton. The blacks make it look soooo much nicer. It was a good looking car to begin with, but just didn't look right with the white tires.

Posted on: 2014/4/9 15:53
West Peterson
1930 Packard Speedster Eight boattail (SOLD)
1940 Packard 1808 w/Factory Air (SOLD)
1947 Chrysler Town and Country sedan
1970 Camaro RS
1936 Cord phaeton


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Re: 37th Annual Texas Packard Meet
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Yes he did, but they are radials! Now that Pebble Beach is behind them, they want to drive the car more. It was the lead car for the Early Bird Tour.


Posted on: 2014/4/10 11:13
We move toward
And make happen
What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer)
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Re: 37th Annual Texas Packard Meet
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Hello All, I have just now finished getting my photos of Salado Meet organized. I will share them with you over the next few days. I thought I would start with the Friday morning Early Bird Tour.

I did not go on the tour this year. I was planning to drive the '47 Clipper to Salado on Thursday afternoon, but the weather forecast was calling for thunder storms, hail, and wind to be in the area. I decided to drive up in the Beetle TDI and then come back Friday morning to home in Austin and drive the Clipper up then when the weather was better. It turned out I could have driven the Clipper on Thursday as the storm front missed the area. The drive to Salado from Austin on Friday morning was uneventful. The car performed flawlessly.

Here are some photos of the cars starting on the tour. The destination was to a restoration shop in Taylor, then lunch, and then return to the Stagecoach Inn about mid-day. I could have hitched a ride for the tour, but the return time was too late for the round trip to retrieve the Clipper.

Enjoy, more to come.


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Posted on: 2014/4/10 14:55
We move toward
And make happen
What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer)
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Re: 37th Annual Texas Packard Meet
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Continuing with Friday morning, I made a quick tour of the parking lot while the Packrds were getting ready for the Early Bird Tour. Noticed a 1940 110 Touring Sedan being driven in the lot, also noticed that it was a RHD model. Made a note to myself to look into this car more when I got back from Austin with the Clipper.

I found the car parked with its hood panels raised. Started looking for a data plate to see if it was a Canadian or U.S. made car. No data plate. Realized it was a 1940 model, and had to be a Detroit car as Packard ceased production in Canada, where previously all the RHD cars were made, in 1939 when that country entered the war.

Next I noticed it was displaying a NSW historic vehicle plate. Ahhh, an Australian car, should take many photos for Mal to see. As I was taking a photo of the steering wheel and instrument panel, a woman came up and offered to open the door so that I might get a better shot. I thanked her and said I was taking photos of their car for my Packard friend Mal in Sydney. She said: "You're John Lawrence." I replied that I was. She then went on to say that she had a message for me from Mal: "Hi." Small world. She then introduced herself and then brought her husband over to meet me. Annet and John have recently moved to the U.S. and are now living in Arkansas. They drove the Packard to Salado, convoying with others coming to the Meet. Annet said that Wade had rebuilt the engine and done other work on the car, and that it was well known by Mal and others in Sydney.

They received the first Jim Hollingsworth memorial award for driving a Packard the longest distance to the Meet.



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Posted on: 2014/4/11 11:09
We move toward
And make happen
What occupies our mind... (W. Scherer)
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Re: 37th Annual Texas Packard Meet
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Are they on a tour here for the summer from down under?

Posted on: 2014/4/11 11:20
I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you

Bad company corrupts good character!

Farming: the art of losing money while working 100 hours a week to feed people who think you are trying to kill them
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